The athletic programs at Peabody Burns Middle/High School are student-centered and are an integral part of the student’s total educational program. Our programs strive to provide a positive learning experience for each student who participates. Joining with the family and community, students will benefit from the development of positive self-concept, characteristics of competitive spirit, good sportsmanship, respect for authority, ability to react to authority, ability to react to pressure, management of winning and losing, self-discipline, decision making, integrity, and loyalty. Each of these characteristics helps in the development of individual and team attitudes which are useful and necessary for a successful season and life.

USD 398 provides a well-rounded interscholastic athletic program for both young men and women. These activities include cheer, football, volleyball, basketball, and track, and field. We CO-OP with Hillsboro High School for baseball and Marion for girls swimming. Peabody Burns’ activities are governed and adhere to the rules and regulations of the Kansas State High School Activities Association. Peabody Burns is a member of the Wheat State League. The athletic programs in the Peabody Burns district promote student and community identification with the school. As a result, our athletic programs become an important part of our community spirit and pride.


Austin Weaver

Athletic /Activities Director