
Congratulations to our August Warriors of the Week! Mr. Chris, Torrance, and Bradley were all caught doing a random act of kindness by another student or teacher. Here at PBES, we take pride in the leadership of our students and staff.

PBES school families met for the first time this year! The students and staff had a blast playing games and making life-long memories together. Our older students also showed great leadership while making sure the younger kids made it back to class safely.

No School - September 4th.

From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!

Welcome Back to our Vocational Agriculture teacher, Mr. McGee!

First JH VB games. Go Warriors!!

Get your Warrior Spirit Wear here!

From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!

Welcome back to our 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Young!

The PBES Kindergarten class is hard at work in Art class. Our kiddos are super excited to have Art back this year and it shows through their creativity and smiles.

From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!

From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!

Welcome back to our Spanish teacher, Mrs. Shortridge!

From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!

Welcome back to our 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Gaede!

Hot Dogs are cooking!
Come out, eat some food, and support the Warriors at Meet the Warriors night. Starts at 6:30.
See you soon!

This is a reminder that on Tuesday, August 29th at 6:00 pm you will receive a text, email and/or phone call from our Alert System. This is a test to make sure everyone can receive information in case of an emergency or we need to get information out quickly. If you do not receive anything on Tuesday evening, please call the District Office at 620-983-2198. If you know of someone who would like to be on the list to receive the emergency update, (grandparents, daycare, etc.), please let the District Office know of their name, email address and phone number.
Thank you so much for your cooperation.

When your in 3rd grade you hit the ground running with lots of learning and fun.

The PBHS cheerleaders are at KWU today in Salina for a spirit spreader. Bringing new material home!!