Interested in taking Butler CC courses next year? A representative will be at enrollment! See flyer for more information.
over 2 years ago, Haley Vivone
Updated Calendar for the 22-23 school year - Check out the USD #398 website for updates to the school calendar. The students will have a full week of vacation, November 21-25, 2022. They will also have a vacation day on February 17, 2023. You can download the calendars from the website or pick one up at enrollment.
over 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
Below is information about enrolling in college classes at PBHS.
over 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
Butler Enrollment
Attached is the Elementary Supply List for the 2022-23 School Year. All enrollment forms can be found at USD We look forward to seeing you at enrollment August 9th and 10th.
over 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
Supply List page 1
Supply List Page 2
Pre-K to 12 Enrollment Information is below. If you have questions, please call the District Office at 620-983-2198. All enrollment forms can be found on the website at We are looking forward to seeing everyone at enrollment.
over 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
Back to School Enrollment
USD #398 has an immediate opening for a Pre-K Teacher. If you are interested or know someone who is, please contact the District Office at 620-983-2198.
over 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
Pre School Teacher
The 988 Hotline for suicide prevention is now available nationwide. It is a similar concept as 911, but this will be for mental health emergencies. There is a flyer below with more information.
over 2 years ago, Haley Vivone
Little Cheer
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Kyle
Little Cheer
Library Aid/Class Proctor -
over 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
Now Hiring
Below is the information about school lunch prices for the 2021-22 school year. Please take a couple minutes to fill out the Free and Reduced School Lunch Form. If you have any questions please call the District Office - 620-983-2198.
over 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
Lunch Letter #1
Lunch Letter#2
School Supply List for 2022-23 School Year.
over 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
Elementary List page 1
Elementary page 2
JH List
REMINDER. Summer weights and conditioning starts back up TOMORROW. Tuesday July 12. 6 AM first group. The month of June attendance was rough. Let’s work to double it. Bring your friends! See you bright and early.
over 2 years ago, Kody Tegtmeier
Greetings USD #398 Students, Staff, Families, and School Community: Thank you for your continued support of our schools! We are excited to share with you an opportunity to provide some input and feedback on how we identify, prioritize, and invest in our school district through the use of ESSER III funding. The purpose of ESSER III funding is to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students by mitigating learning losses, supporting social-emotional needs, and ensuring safe in-person learning for students. We will submit an application for our ESSER III funds to the Kansas State Department of Education which includes input and engagement from a variety of stakeholders on how best to prioritize use of these funds. Your input will impact how ESSER III funds are spent across the school district. Please take a few minutes to provide your feedback by completing THIS SURVEY. Thank you in advance for your input, participation, and engagement in this process. Sincerely, Antoinette Root Superintendent
over 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
All HS and MS boy athletes need to report to the roundhouse at the football field following the Parade on Monday. Will help carry down fireworks displays. Also need the HS boys to get with Lindsey or Joe Hutchison to help with taking gate please and thank you!
over 2 years ago, Kody Tegtmeier
Come see us!!!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Kyle
Please visit to order new Spirit Wear for the 2022-23 school year. The store is open until June 5th. Thank you for your support of our students.
almost 3 years ago, Antoinette Root
Spirit Wear
Best of luck to Jake Partridge as he competes in long jump at the State track meet this Friday at 6:30 pm. Admission - $9.00 for Adults each day, $7.00 for students K-12 each day
almost 3 years ago, Tyler Schroeder
Safe Kids Day - the information is attached.
almost 3 years ago, Antoinette Root
Safe Kids Day
Great job by all regional competitors today. We had a couple of PRs. Huge congratulations to Jake Partridge for qualifying for state again in the boys long jump. He will jump Friday evening at 6:30 in Wichita!
almost 3 years ago, Kody Tegtmeier
Here is todays order of events AT Burlington. Go Warriors!
almost 3 years ago, Kody Tegtmeier
regional order