Due to the increased number of staff and students who have tested positive or are in modified quarantine, the Junior High & High School will not be in session tomorrow, Wednesday, January 12th. All Junior High/High School staff will need to report. All activities for the week have been cancelled and/or rescheduled. We strongly encourage parents to please keep your children at home to help stop the spread of the virus. Our desire is to have students in school and we cannot stop the spread without your help in minimizing contacts outside of school. Please check the website for daily updates.

The WSL Scholars Bowl meet has been rescheduled for Thursday, January 20 beginning at 3 pm at PBHS.

This Thursday's Junior High basketball games at Herington have been canceled and will not be rescheduled.
Practice for JH girls and boys has been canceled for the rest of the week as well

Parents - If you are interested in having the goEdustar app on your phone to check your students grades please click on the following link for directions - https://5il.co/144dc.
If you want to be able to access them on your computer, the following link will provide directions on how to set up an account - https://5il.co/144dg.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

January is School Board Appreciation Month. Thank you to our Board members and all the do for USD #398.

Due to issues at the Jr/Sr High School, the schedule for this week has been revised.
The Jr/Sr high school is moving from green to yellow effective immediately. Everyone is to maintain a 3 to 6 foot distance at all times and visitors will be limited during the school day. Although wearing masks is highly recommended we ask that students wear them.
For students involved in activities and who are in modified quarantine, it is essential that you maintain social distancing when possible and wear a mask when not engaged in physical activity
Plan for Monday
- Today's WSL Scholars Bowl meet has been postponed. A new date will be set and announced
- Jr/Sr High students will still be released at 2:30 today
- JH Boys/Girls Basketball will practice from 2:30 - 5:30
- No practice for HS Boys Basketball on Monday or Tuesday. Practice schedule for the rest of the week will be announced tomorrow

Due to the increase in students and staff who have tested positive or are on modified quarantine, the JH/HS will be moving from Green to Yellow effectively immediately. For everyone in the school it is highly recommended that masks are worn, everyone is to maintain a 3 to 6 feet distance at all times, and visitors will be limited during the school day. Please see the website for the specific protocols and requirements. Any updates or changes will be posted on the school website.

Due to illness, the Peabody-Burns Elementary Winter Concert scheduled for Monday, January 10 has been canceled. To ensure our students' efforts and hard work doesn't go unnoticed, we will record and post the concert to the school website and elementary Facebook page as soon as we can. I'm sorry for the unfortunate circumstances and thank you for your understanding.

Warrior Activities for the week.
Good luck to all of our students competing this week!

On Monday, January 10, students at the Jr/Sr high school will be dismissed at 2:30 to allow us to prepare for hosting the WSL Scholars Bowl Tournament. If students have transportation available they can leave the building at 2:30. Those without transportation will be supervised until 3:30. Buses will depart the HS at the normal time. JH basketball will practice from 2:30 – 5:00. HS Basketball will practice from 2:30 – 4:30.

Reminder for tonight's high school basketball game at Herington
5:15 - 1/2 JV Boys Game
6:00 - Varsity boys

We are excited to announce that Peabody-Burns will host the Regional Scholars Bowl Tournament on Thursday, February 3. Go Warriors!

Updated schedule for Friday's high school basketball games at Herington
5:15 1/2 JV Boys, 6:00 Varsity boys

If you are needing assistance with your heating bills, please see the information below. This is a program through the State of Kansas.

It's game day! Join us tonight as we host the Goessel Bluebirds.
6 pm - 1/2 JV boys game
7 pm - Varsity boys

Tomorrow night's meal deal will be chili/cheese dog, Ann Leppke cookies, and a drink for $6.00.

Please see the attached information about Pajama Storytime!

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
I apologize for the confusion, but due to scheduling conflicts and a full calendar of after school activities, the Peabody-Burns Elementary Winter Program has had some modifications made. Please see below for the date, time, and location of our rescheduled Winter Program:
(Due to limited space, grades K-2 and 3-5 will have separate times)
DATE: Monday, January 10, 2022
LOCATION: Peabody-Burns Elementary Multipurpose Room (Gymnasium)
REPORT TIME: 5:45pm (Please report to Multipurpose Room)
START TIME: 6:00pm (Multipurpose Room)
REPORT TIME: 6:15pm (Please report to your classroom)
START TIME: 6:30pm (Multipurpose Room)
Again, I am sorry for the confusion. We are excited to showcase our students and the hard work and preparation they’ve put forth to making us all proud. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email!
Rachel E. Wattson
K-5 General Music
(620) 983-2188

The phones and internet are out at both the JH/HS and Elementary schools. Thank you for your patience and understanding as the issue gets resolved.

It's gameday! Good luck to our junior high as we travel to Solomon!
5:00 - 1/2 B Boys game (HS Gym)
5:00 - 1/2 B Girls game (MS Gym)
6:00 - A Team Girls
7:00 - A Team Boys