PBMS: MS Track will be at Goessel today for the Goessel Invitational. Field events start at 10:00am..
almost 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBMS: Track meet at HOME today, field events start at 4:00pm, with running events starting at 4:15. Come out and support the MS track teams.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS: SB/BB will play at Larned tonight. This is a make-up date from Apr 16 rain out. First pitch will be at 4pm.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS: HS Track will be at Burrton today Apr 27, field events start at 4:30pm.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS: HS Baseball/Softball will be Nickerson today, with first pitch being at 4:00pm.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Laney
Congratulations to the forensics team who competed in 3 tournaments last week! Below are those results: Alex Young and Logan Webster placed 4th Improvised Duet Acting Alex Young placed 4th in Original Oration Sarah Spencer placed 5th and 7th in Original Oration Logan placed 2nd in Poetry Stacy Sattler placed 6th in Impromptu Speaking Stacy also placed 2nd and 3rd in Informative Speaking which qualifies her to the state tournament! Congratulations!! #warriorproud
almost 4 years ago, Haley Vivone
Congratulations to all the student who participated at the State Music Contest! 1 and 2 ratings in both solo and ensembles!! #warriorproud
almost 4 years ago, Haley Vivone
State Music Contest
PBHS: BB/SB game for Tues Apr 20 has been moved to Mon Apr 19, this is weather related.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS: Track news, the HS meet scheduled for Tues Apr 20 has been moved to Monday Apr 19 at Fairfield HS. This is a weather related change.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS: SB/BB game for Apr 16 has been postponed to a later date.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBMS: MS Track will be at Marion (Hosted by Centre) on Apr 15. Field events will start at 10:00 am, running events will start at 10:15 am.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Laney
Join the Sophomore Class at Memorial Day Dinner!
almost 4 years ago, Scott Kimble-PBMHS Principal
Memorial Day Dinner
Need a Tree? Support PBMHS Arbor Day! #warriorproud
almost 4 years ago, Scott Kimble-PBMHS Principal
Arbor Day
Congratulations to the Forensics Team at the Canton-Galva Meet!!! Sarah 1st Place - Original Oration Logan 1st Place - Poetry and now a State Qualifier Jasper 1st Place - Informative Stacy 2nd Place - Informative #warriorproud
almost 4 years ago, Scott Kimble-PBMHS Principal
Forensics Team
PBHS: HS track will be at Fairfield High School on Apr 13 at 4:30pm. BB/SB will be at Remington on Apr 13 with first pitch at 4:00pm.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS: Track is at Marion today with Field events starting at 3:30 and running events starting at 3:45. Baseball/Softball is at Hillsboro vs Halstead with first pitch being at 4pm
almost 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS: Track will be at Hillsboro today with events starting at 4:30pm. Baseball and Softball are playing Smokey Valley at Hillsboro today, with first pitch at 4:00pm.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS: HS track will be at Hillsboro on Tues Apr 6. Here is an order of events!!
almost 4 years ago, Josh Laney
The 2021 George Holm Scholarship is now available. This scholarship is due to Mr. Simmonds (bsimmonds@usd398.com) by 12:30pm on May 4th. The scholarship information can be found on the website from the menu bar: Documents, Middle/High School, Counselor, Scholarships.
almost 4 years ago, Haley Vivone
PBHS: JV Baseball vs Nickerson @ Hillsboro today at 4PM JV Softball @ Lyons today at 4pm
almost 4 years ago, Josh Laney