PBMS: Basketball will be at home on Jan 21, order of play will be 4:30 1/2 "B" girls, 10min after will be 1/2 "B" boys, 10 min after will be "A" Girls, 10min after will be "A" Boys. Basketball players were given two tickets on 1/20/21, to give out. Anyone coming to the game MUST have a ticket to enter the event. All spectators will have temperatures taken, and MUST wear a MASK at all times. USD 398 will be live streaming the game on its High School Facebook page. We ask that all Peabody-Burns fans sit on the east side of the new gym.

PBHS: Basketball will be at home tonight vs Elyria-Christian. The game will be starting at 6:00pm. Basketball players, cheerleaders, pep band members, will be given two tickets on 1/18/21, to give out. Anyone coming to the game MUST have a ticket to enter the event. All spectators will have temperatures taken, and MUST wear a MASK at all times. USD 398 will be live streaming the game on its High School Facebook page. Concession stand will not be available. We ask that all Peabody-Burns fans sit on the east side of the new gym.

PBHS: Basketball will be at home on Tues Jan 19 vs Elyria-Christian. The game will be starting at 6:00pm. Basketball players, cheerleaders, pep band members, will be given two tickets today 1/18/21, to give out. Anyone coming to the game MUST have a ticket to enter the event. All spectators will have temperatures taken, and MUST wear a MASK at all times. USD 398 will be live streaming the game on its High School Facebook page. Concession stand will not be available. We ask that all Peabody-Burns fans sit on the east side of the new gym.

PBHS Singing Valentines

PBHS: HS BB at Wakefield tonight. Wakefield will be allowing 1 parent/guardian into the game. Parents will need to check in and then can pay the admission. Parents will need to state the players name that they are there to watch, when arriving at the gym. No WSL passes will be accepted. MASKS are required. No concession stand tonight. NO JV BOYS, Var will start at 7:30PM, as Wakefield is playing another school with their girls team. Live streaming will be on PBHS High School Facebook page.

PBMS: Basketball will be at home today Jan 14, order of play will be 4:30 1/2 "B" girls, 10min after will be 1/2 "B" boys, 10 min after will be "A" Girls, 10min after will be "A" Boys. Basketball players were given two tickets on 1/12/21, to give out. Anyone coming to the game MUST have a ticket to enter the event. All spectators will have temperatures taken, and MUST wear a MASK at all times. USD 398 will be live streaming the game on its High School Facebook page. We ask that all Peabody-Burns fans sit on the east side of the new gym.

PBHS: HS BB at Wakefield on 1/15/21. Wakefield will be allowing 1 parent/guardian into the game. Mr. Laney will be asking the players who they wish to have on the list on 1/14/21. Parents will need to check in and then can pay the admission. Parents will need to state the players name that they are there to watch, when arriving at the gym. No WSL passes will be accepted. MASKS are required. No concession stand tonight. NO JV BOYS, Var will start at 7:30PM, as Wakefield is playing another school with their girls team. Live streaming will be on PBHS High School Facebook page.

PBMS: Basketball will be at home on Jan 14, order of play will be 4:30 1/2 "B" girls, 10min after will be 1/2 "B" boys, 10 min after will be "A" Girls, 10min after will be "A" Boys. Basketball players were given two tickets on 1/12/21, to give out. Anyone coming to the game MUST have a ticket to enter the event. All spectators will have temperatures taken, and MUST wear a MASK at all times. USD 398 will be live streaming the game on its High School Facebook page. We ask that all Peabody-Burns fans sit on the east side of the new gym.

PBHS/MS: Basketball schedule updates. MS dates to finish out the season are, Jan 14 @ Home, Jan 21 @ Home, Jan 25 @ Home, Jan 28 @ Centre, Feb 1 @ Solomon, Feb 4 @ Wakefield. There will not be a WSL MS Tourn this season. HS dates for Centre Tourn are Jan 19 @ Home, Jan 22 @ Herington, Jan 23 @ Wakefield. Please continue to look on school website and the HS/MS Facebook page for game times, Covid-19 policies, or cancelations. If you ever have any questions please contact Mr. Laney.

PBHS: HS BB at Little River today 1/12/21. They will be allowing up to 2 parents/guardians in on today. Parents will need to check in and then can pay the admission. Parents will need to state the players name that they are there to watch, when arriving at the gym. No WSL passes will be accepted. MASKS are required. No concession stand tonight. Order of play will be 1/2 JV boys game at 6:00, Var boys will follow. Live streaming will be on PBHS High School Facebook page.

PBHS: HS BB UPDATE: After further discussion we WILL play JV on Tues Jan 12, but not on Friday do to Wakefield not having enough players.

PBHS: HS-BB, There will be NO JV games this week. If you have any questions you may contact Mr. Laney.

PBMS: MS BB at Hope on Monday 1/11/21. They will be allowing up to 2 parents/guardians in on Monday. Parents will need to check in and then can pay the admission. Parents will need to state the players name that they are there to watch, when arriving at the gym. No WSL passes will be accepted. MASKS are required. Order of play will be 1/2 B-boys game will be at 5:00, then A-Girls, then the A-Boys. Here is link for those who will not be able to attend. https://youtu.be/p8slQrBQ7jI

PBHS: HS BB at Little River on Tuesday 1/12/21. They will be allowing up to 2 parents/guardians in on Tuesday. Parents will need to check in and then can pay the admission. Parents will need to state the players name that they are there to watch, when arriving at the gym. No WSL passes will be accepted. MASKS are required. Order of play will be 1/2 JV boys game at 6:00, Var boys will follow. Live streaming will be on PBHS High School Facebook page.

PBMS: MS BB at Hope on Monday 1/11/21. They will be allowing up to 2 parents/guardians in on Monday. Parents will need to check in and then can pay the admission. Parents will need to state the players name that they are there to watch, when arriving at the gym. No WSL passes will be accepted. MASKS are required. Order of play will be 1/2 B-boys game will be at 5:00, then A-Girls, then the A-Boys. Here is link for those who will not be able to attend. https://youtu.be/p8slQrBQ7jI

PBHS: Basketball will be at home on Fri Jan 8 vs Herington. The JV boys will be starting at 6:00pm, followed by the VAR boys. Basketball players, cheerleaders, pep band members, will be given two tickets today 1/6/21, to give out. Anyone coming to the game MUST have a ticket to enter the event. All spectators will have temperatures taken, and MUST wear a MASK at all times. USD 398 will be live streaming the game on its High School Facebook page. Concession stand will not be available. We ask that all Peabody-Burns fans sit on the east side of the new gym.

We hope you enjoyed viewing the PBES children singing. The videos have been taken down.

Reminder that the Band and Voices will be doing their Christmas programs today at 8:45 HS VOICES, 9:30 HS BAND, 11:15 MS CHOIR, 1:00 MS BAND.
Please go to https://www.facebook.com/1513431168971526/live/

PBHS: Basketball will be at home on Fri Dec 18 vs Elyria Christian. The VAR boys will be starting at 6:00pm. There will be NO JV games. Basketball players, cheerleaders, pep band members, will be given two tickets today 12/17/20, to give out. Anyone coming to the game MUST have a ticket to enter the event. All spectators will have temperatures taken, and MUST wear a MASK at all times. USD 398 will be live streaming the game on its High School Facebook page. Concession stand will not be available. We ask that all Peabody-Burns fans sit on the east side of the new gym.

PBMS: Basketball will be at home on Dec 17, order of play will be 4:30 1/2 "B" boys, 10min after will be "A" Girls, 10min after will be "A" Boys. Basketball players will be given two tickets today 12/16/20, to give out. Anyone coming to the game MUST have a ticket to enter the event. All spectators will have temperatures taken, and MUST wear a MASK at all times. USD 398 will be live streaming the game on its High School Facebook page. We ask that all Peabody-Burns fans sit on the east side of the new gym.