Parent Reminder: National Honors Society inductions Tonight 7:00 pm Brown Gym
over 4 years ago, Scott Kimble-PBMHS Principal
PBMS: Volleyball and Football will be at Herington on Oct 1. The VB game will start at 4:30pm, the FB game will be at 6:00pm. Herington is limiting the number of fans to 4 per athlete for VB and 6 per athlete for FB. Temperatures will be taken and masks are required. If you have any questions you may call Mr. Laney at the high school.
over 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS: Volleyball tonight at Little River, the JV game has been cancelled and the Var game will start at 5:30pm now. Thanks for understanding that things change quickly more now then ever. Mr. Laney
over 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS: Volleyball will be at Little Rive on Sept 29. JV will play at 5, with Var following after that game. Masks are required at all indoor events at Little River.
over 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS: Volleyball will be at the Wakefield tournament games are at 1,2,3. Each player was given 2 tickets for entry. Masks are required and temperatures will be taken.
over 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS/MS: Homecoming FB game will be tonight at 7pm. Today starting to 12:10 the students will be heading down town to build scarecrows and do chalk art. At 2:30 class/candidate games and pep rally will take place at the park. Homecoming crowning will start at 6:40pm on tonight.
over 4 years ago, Josh Laney
NEWS ITEM: A situation with a student occurred today that required controlled movement of students in the building. The building was NOT in lockdown, nor was any student in any danger as administration dealt with the situation. Law enforcement was on the scene only in a support capacity with the student. This will be the only information shared as to not disclose any student information. Thank you for understanding the privacy issues, and again: the situation placed no student in harms way today. ~ Mr. Traxson
over 4 years ago, Ron Traxson
PBMS: Due to lack of numbers, the middle school volleyball and football games scheduled for Sept 24 have been cancelled.
over 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBMS Volleyball and Football: PBMS will host Canton-Galva on Thursday Sept 24, the VB game will start at 4:30pm in the “east gym”, and the FB will start at 6:00pm at the FB stadium. Reminder that masks must be worn inside any USD 398 building and in any Covid-19 zones at the FB field.
over 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS/MS: Homecoming FB game will be Friday Sept 25 at 7pm. The student body has a week full of dress-up days, decorating hallways and on Friday starting to 12:10 the students will be heading down town to build scarecrows and do chalk art. At 2:30 class/candidate games and pep rally will take place at the park. Homecoming crowning will start at 6:40pm on Friday night.
over 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS Volleyball: Sept 22 @ home, games will start at 4pm, all PBHS will be played in the East gym. Notice to all fans, MASKS must be wore at all times, and temperatures will be taken . As of today we are not limiting numbers of fans. We are asking that social distancing takes place, and all family members sit with each other. Thank You Mr. Laney
over 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS Football: Will be at HOME at 7pm, this Friday Sept 18 vs Stafford. Due to Covid-19, masks must be worn when paying to enter the game, in the concession stand line, in the restrooms and any other time that social distancing can not take place. Come out and support the WARRIORS!!
over 4 years ago, Josh Laney
Class of 2023 it's Your Turn! Sophomores, next week Tuesday, September 22nd at 9 a.m, Jostens will be here to visit with you about Class rings. Go online to: to design and choose your ring. #warriorproud
over 4 years ago, Scott Kimble-PBMHS Principal
PBMS Volleyball Thursday Sept 17 @ Goessel. Games will start at 4pm, masks are required, temperatures will be taken, credit cards only to pay for admission. MS Football has canceled this game to do lack of numbers.
over 4 years ago, Josh Laney
Lifeline connects eligible low-income families and individuals to the services they need to live, learn, earn and participate fully in their communities. Federal and state discounts of up to $17.02 per month on phone or internet services are available.*
over 4 years ago, Ron Traxson
over 4 years ago, Scott Kimble-PBMHS Principal
One Week to PBES Picture Day: PBES Picture Day is coming up on 09/23/2020! Order online at
over 4 years ago, Ron Traxson
PBHS Volleyball will be at Centre on Tuesday Sept 15. Centre is limiting fans to 4 per player, masks must be worn, and no concession stand will be available. Centre will allow outside food and drinks. Order of play is JV at 4, Var at 5, JV at 6, Var at 7.
over 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS Volleyball will be at Yates Center on Monday Sept 14,they will play at 5pm and 6pm. No JV games will be played. Yates Center is not limiting number of fans, but are asking for exact change for gate. 4$ for adults,3$ for students. Yates Center is mask required and will take temperatures for all fans entering the game.
over 4 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS Volleyball at Solomon on Sat Sept 12. Games will start 11, 12, and third game will be TBA. Solomon is requiring masks be worn indoors, temperature will be taken, NO concession will be available. Our fan base is limited to 4 tickets per player.
over 4 years ago, Josh Laney