PBMHS Staff wishes everyone a Safe and Happy Holiday season! #uglysweatersrock #warriorproud
about 5 years ago, Scott Kimble-PBMHS Principal
Staff Ugly Sweaters
PBMS Basketball tonight at HOME! “B” boys at 4:30 “A” girls at 5:15 “A” boys at 6:15 #warriorproud
about 5 years ago, Josh Laney
PBMHS students and staff, tomorrow is ugly sweater day. Wear your favorite sweater!
about 5 years ago, Scott Kimble-PBMHS Principal
Ugly Sweater Day
about 5 years ago, Ron Traxson
MS Choir performance at Winter Concert
PBHS Voices winter concert!!!
about 5 years ago, Josh Laney
Reminder that the Band/Choir winter concert will be tonight Dec 18 at 6pm. Band will be first and then choir!
about 5 years ago, Josh Laney
Reminder that PBHS Basketball is in action tonight at Burrton. JV girls 5:00, JV Boys 5:45, Var Girls 6:30, Var boys 7:45. Come out and support.
about 5 years ago, Josh Laney
Activity update. Band and Choir will both be on Wed Dec 18. Band will be first at 6:00pm, followed by a 15min break and then choir will perform. Come out and see two great performances from PBHS/PBMS Band and Voices!!
over 5 years ago, Josh Laney
Due to current conditions of ice packed roads and the forecast of additional snow early tomorrow morning; Peabody-Burns schools will be closed Monday, December 16, 2019. There will be no after school activities as well as the scheduled Christmas program tomorrow evening.
over 5 years ago, Scott Kimble-PBMHS Principal
PBHS boys basketball team gets a nice win today vs Marion 64-46 #warriorproud
over 5 years ago, Josh Laney
PBHS Basketball will be in action today in Marion. Girls vs Remington at 12pm Boys vs Marion at 1:30pm #warriorproud
over 5 years ago, Josh Laney
Congratulations to Jess Philpott on signing to play college football today at Bethel College. #warriorproud
over 5 years ago, Josh Laney
jess philpott signing
Ms. Winter's Sophomore Advisory Class at the Elementary today, reading with Ms. Goodwin's 1st grade class. Awesome Job! #readingisawesome #warriorproud
over 5 years ago, Scott Kimble-PBMHS Principal
students reading
Students Reading
Students Reading
High School Basketball @ Marion Tournament Saturday, December 14 Girls play at 12:00 p.m Boys play at 1:30 p.m Opponents won't be known until after Tonight's games Berean Academy vs Wichita Home-school Marion vs Remington
over 5 years ago, Scott Kimble-PBMHS Principal
Congratulations to Anna Eldridge and Philip Young for being accepted to the Hugh O’Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership Conference in Manhattan this coming June! #warriorproud
over 5 years ago, Scott Kimble-PBMHS Principal
Philip & Anna HOBY Leadership
Middle School Academy at Buhler today was lots of fun and a great success! Not only did we learn about tons of opportunities in agriculture and FFA, but our team also placed 5th with Cade Gossen placing 7th out of nearly 300 students! Awesome job!
over 5 years ago, Scott Kimble-PBMHS Principal
Middle School FFA
Tristan Wedd participated in the "Stand" Town Hall Meeting in Newton today. The Town Hall Meeting focused on Youth Leadership Initiatives. Tristan spoke about PBMHS’s mentoring program and what it has meant to him. #warrriorproud
over 5 years ago, Scott Kimble-PBMHS Principal
Tristan Presenting
Pre-School Reminder: Pre-School will be in session Monday thru Thursday, December 16-19th to end the first semester.
over 5 years ago, Ron Traxson
Having breakfast with the 1st hour Senior Career and Personal Finance class. They are learning how to budget for groceries. The Food was Delicious! #warriorproud
over 5 years ago, Scott Kimble-PBMHS Principal
Mr. Kimble eating with Jess
Class eating together
Students serving food
Awesome Job to the PBMHS Teachers who received Community Foundation Grants! Thank you to the Community Foundation for supporting our schools!!! #warriorproud
over 5 years ago, Scott Kimble-PBMHS Principal
Teachers with Community Foundation Checks