High School Basketball @ Valley Tip-Off Tournament
Monday 12/4 girls 5pm boys 7pm
Friday 12/8 TBD
Saturday 12/9 TBD

Tuesday, December 5th
Junior High & High School
Band & Vocal Concert
6:30 pm

Peabody-Burns Junior High and High School basketball teams are all in competition this week. 11/30 Junior High @ Elyria Christian 4pm 12/1 High School v. Wichita Central Christian Academy 6pm

Happy Thanksgivings from the staff at USD #398.

We are ready!
State Cheer at Stormont Vail Event Center
in Topeka
PBHS first performance at approximately 8:30

We had an amazing day today at PBES and we are all extremely grateful for the blessing of being able to share it together. We began the day with our November Assembly to celebrate our readers making strong gains, student of the month, and learning about the gift of Thanksgiving through our second grade song and dance, as well as our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Thanksgiving skit. We then had a family style Thanksgiving Feast. A huge thank you to Chef Temperance Scott for the amazing meal, Mrs. Rachel Wattson and Ann Jones for the organizing of the event, Miss Sydney Hodges for helping our students decorate, Mr. Chris Frantz for the tear down and clean up, and all of our PBES staff for helping to make today a great and successful day.
During our assembly, our November Student of the Month was announced. Our nominees included Armanii, Shai, Caden, Nexxus, Guliano, Chase, Zeppy, Ana, Delilah, and Mackenzie. Each student possess strong character traits that were recognized and applauded. We are proud of how each one of these students portray characteristics of being strong role models for others. The student who received the most nominations and is your Peabody-Burns Elementary School November Student of the month is...MACKENZIE!
Mackenzie is always ready to learn! She participates in everything we do in class and has made huge academic gains so far this year. Mackenzie also has a big heart and is full of compassion. She is the first one there when a friend is upset or hurt. Mackenzie shows great integrity by always doing the right thing. I am so thankful and proud to have Mackenzie in my class this year!!! She also always has a huge smile on her face and makes me laugh! I am excited to see what the future holds for her!!!

USD #398 will be on Thanksgiving Break from Nov. 20 to Nov. 24th.

Peabody-Burns Elementary School PTO Meeting tonight.

Tomorrow evening, November 14, there will be a parent meeting for all parents of student-athletes. Peabody-Burns Junior High and High School student-athletes and their parents/guardians should plan to attend.

Please see the information about Basketball Rule Changes.

Get excited!
PBHS competes at State Cheer this Saturday, November 18
Stormont Vail Event Center
Topeka, KS

This is American Education Week. November 13-17, 2023.
It takes everyone in the district to educate and make our kids successful.
Thank you -

Peabody-Burns Elementary School PTO Meeting.

Peabody-Burns has been extremely fortunate this school year in the area of our Art program. Mr. Michael Ball of the Peabody Christian Church has graciously been volunteering his days to the students of Peabody-Burns working with individual students, teaching art history, and assisting Mrs. Hittle and our teachers in any way he can. Pictured are Student Dream Books that Mr. Ball has taken the time to create for every student at the elementary kindergarten through fifth grade. Each Dream Book is personalized for each student with their favorite object to draw, as well as a message inside each book. Mr. Ball calls these books, "Failure Books." Teaching the students that failure is a part of life and learning from those failures can turn a mistake into something beautiful. We appreciate Mr. Ball and the time he is dedicating to impact our youth. The difference he is making in our students lives is noticeable and his positivity and interaction with our teachers only makes our buildings happier place. Thank you Mr. Ball for your heart of gold!

Congrats to Maddy! She made SCKMEA district honor band. She will play the bass clarinet in the district concert on Saturday, December 2nd at Maize High School (time is TBD). Congratulations again Maddy!

This week in 4th grade we were learning about mindsets. We learned the difference between a growth vs. fixed. We also learned what it means to have resilience and persistence. We practiced these skills by creating art out of a mistake called "Mistake Art" and then we did an Oreo challenge.

College visit at K-State today! #gocats

Seniors participated in Apply Kansas this week! For 3 days- seniors were able to apply to college for FREE! #applykansas

Training future cake decorators (artists)!
Mrs. Hittle introducing how to use frosting piping bags to JH Art class.

Want a piece of recent Peabody-Burns history?
We have approximately 100 Prom glasses from (COVID year) 2020 waiting for a good home.
If you, or someone you know, would like a few of these, please call the office and let us know by this Friday, November 10.