At Halftime
Peabody-Burns 6
Tescott 29
Go Warriors!

Warriors trail the Trojans 6-14 at the end of the first quarter.
Go Warriors!

Staff Development on Nov. 6th - No School for PBJH/HS & PBES students.

Veteran's Day Program

Our student leaders, Wyatt & Quentin, are in route with the Friday Coffee Cart this morning. These boys are delivering coffee, orange juice, and granola bars to our amazing teachers for their hard work all week. Our PBES Leadership Team strives to:
Serve with Pride, Lead with Confidence, and Teach to Impact Others.

Just a reminder for PBES students and parents, the no fuss-fundraiser is due tomorrow.

Just a reminder! We have community service tomorrow for PBMSHS students. Students who are productive and respectful will earn the opportunity to go home at 1:00pm. Bus riders and students who choose not to go home will be allowed to participate in activities in the Gym until 3:30pm.

PBJH boys basketball is in need of an assistant coach.
Applications can be found on the district website. www.usd398.net
Inquiries can be directed to Central Office or bwitty@usd398.com

Warriors playoff football @ Tescott Friday 7pm
Admission (No Passes)
Adults $8
Students $6

These 3 girls performed on Monday night at Hesston College for league choir. There were 135 total students and two of our girls were picked to sing solos! Cadence Craig and Mia Webster were chosen. I am so very proud of all 3 students!

Are you in need of some fruit? The 5th-12th grade bands have you covered! The band members are selling fruit until November 14th. So if you are interested in some delicious Florida fruit, see a band member or Mrs. Rudman. The fruit will be delivered the week of December 11th, so you'll have it just in time for the holidays!

We are still selling our PBES staff shirt if anyone still wants to order!! Link below

HALLOWEEN PARADE CHANGE FOR PBES! Due to the forecasted temperatures, the Peabody-Burns Elementary students will be parade in the hallways of PBES on Tuesday, October 31st. The morning preschool parade will begin at 10:10 am with the party to follow. The afternoon preschool and kindergarten through fifth grade students will begin at 2:30 pm with parties to follow. Thank you for your understanding.

What a beautiful day at Peabody-Burns Elementary School! Our Student Leadership Team took part in running their first assembly of the year behind the leadership and assembly announcers, Knox and Hannah. Our leadership students have daily jobs they assist with along with the their every day learning. These kiddos are making a huge impact!
At our assembly today, many students received awards and rewards for their reading growth, principal's and superintendent's honor roll, and student of the month. One of our most heartfelt rewards classes can earn is the collection of pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. This challenge goes out to each grade level every month to earn the most pop tabs, which is near and dear to our amazing secretary, Mrs. Juanita Richstatter. The class that earned the most tabs for the second month in a row goes to Mrs. Freeman's first graders with 7.2 pounds! They have earned the famous popcorn party from Mrs. Ann Jones.
Nominations for Student of the Month this month were out-of-this-world! We have so many students doing amazing things every day to assist in the great culture we have at PBES. Our nominations this month included Ana, Blaze, David, Lillian, Brynlee, Delilah, Eivin, Emmett, Ella, Bexley, Graham, Judah, Aliyah, Jayden, Evie, and Eliza. All students nominated are doing tremendous things around the building! So, let's give a BIG Warrior congratulations to our October, Student of the Month...Evie!!!!! Evie is very attentive and engaged in all of her work. She is persistent and eager to gain knowledge and experience. Evie is a great student. Good job, Evie!
Congratulations to Evie and the rest of our October nominees, as well as our award winners!

The Peabody-Burns elementary school is selling our staff shirts! There are many different sizes including youth sizes. The deadline is October 30th. If you need more time to order please let Mrs. Freeman or Ms. Moody know. Link below!!

Halloween is right around the corner! We understand many costumes come with masks/handheld accessories, but we ask these items stay at home as they will not be allowed in the parade or at parties. Our morning preschool parade will be held in the hallways of PBES at 10:10 am. Pending weather, our afternoon preschool will parade with kindergarten through fifth grade outside on the sidewalk at 2:30 pm. Parties will follow. Please see attached photos for afternoon parade route and information. If you have any questions, please call the PBES office. We look forward to seeing you there!

Junior High and High School Students!
STAND is sponsoring Spirit Week for positive and healthy behaviors. Mon, Oct 30 - Fri, Nov 3.
Monday - Beach Day
Tuesday - Halloween Costumes (No masks or weapons)
Wednesday - Pajama Day
Thursday - Barbie or Ken Day
Friday - Hat Day

Halloween is right around the corner! We understand many costumes come with masks/handheld accessories, but we ask these items stay at home as they will not be allowed in the parade or at parties. Our morning preschool parade will be held in the hallways of PBES at 10:10 am. Pending weather, our afternoon preschool will parade with kindergarten through fifth grade outside on the sidewalk at 2:30 pm. Parties will follow. Please see attached photos for afternoon parade route and information. If you have any questions, please call the PBES office. We look forward to seeing you there!

USD 398 would like to recognize and thank the Patterson Family Foundation for awarding the school district 3 grants. The grants were $7,200 for CTE equipment and training, $80,000 to redo the playground and kitchen in the daycare as part of the Rural School District Child Care Grant, and $150,000 for the Rural Educators Grant to help support teachers as they further their education.
Through these grants we will be able to help the youngest to the oldest in our district. The ability to help several different groups who are part of USD 398 will be felt for a long time. We are excited to see the results from the different groups and will post updates as they occur. The pictures are of the welder that was purchased for the CTE students.
The Patterson Family Foundation is a family-led foundation extending the legacy of Neal and Jeanne Patterson. They strive to help lift up rural communities through health care, education, economic opportunity and beyond. Please visit their website at pattersonfamilyfoundation.org for more information about this very generous family.

Parents as Teachers is hosting Pumpkin Playtime. See the information below.