Parent-Teacher Conferences are right around the corner. Please use this link to sign up for a time:
If you have any questions or need to make a change, please call Juanita at the elementary and she will help.
PBES families are also invited to our Halloween-themed Reading Night during our Parent-Teacher Conferences, so please bring your students to join in on the fun. Stop by the multipurpose room before or after your child's conference to read poems, play word games, and hear a silly (not scary) Halloween story. Students can earn candy for visiting!

From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!

Friday Learning Labs: Small Animal Care wrapping up the quarter by bringing their own small animals to school.

Parent Teacher Conferences are approaching quickly! Please use this link to sign up with your student(s) advisory teacher! If you have any questions- Contact Mrs. Hall at the High School.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are right around the corner. Please use this link to sign up for a time:
If you have any questions or need to make a change, please call Juanita at the elementary and she will help.
PBES families are also invited to our Halloween-themed Reading Night during our Parent-Teacher Conferences, so please bring your students to join in on the fun. Stop by the multipurpose room before or after your child's conference to read poems, play word games, and hear a silly (not scary) Halloween story. Students can earn candy for visiting!

From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!

Picture Day is tomorrow at both Peabody-Burns Elementary School and Peabody-Burns Jr/Sr High School.

From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!

From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!

We would love to have as many volunteers as possible to assist our teachers in the safety of our kiddos. It also gives our students a friendly face from the community they know they can trust. If you are interested, please call Miss Wattson at (620) 983-2188.

Last Friday the PBES students and staff had their second school families activity for the year. They each got a white flag and were able to decorate it. Each week there will be student flags displayed in the windows at the front of the elementary school for everyone to see and enjoy!!

In counseling last week students were asked to think about a place that makes them feel safe. Then, they were asked to create their safe place using Legos. It was awesome watching the students use their creativity, but was even more amazing to listen to the conversations the students were having with one another about their safe places. They discussed things like what made the places feel safe, and things that might make them feel even more safe. The students and I learned from one another through this activity, and really enjoyed the conversations we had.

Winter Seasons are quickly approaching and coaches are needed.
MS boys basketball
HS girls basketball
HS scholars bowl

From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!

The water pressure to the JH/HS has been restored, there WILL be school for all grades tomorrow 10/3/2023. Thank you to the city for getting the repair completed quickly. Bottled water will be available if needed.

Thank you to our amazing custodians!!

The Flu Clinic scheduled for today has been moved to the Elementary School. Please see the information below.

From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!

We would love to have as many volunteers as possible to assist our teachers in the safety of our kiddos. It also gives our students a friendly face from the community they know they can trust. If you are interested, please call Miss Wattson at (620) 983-2188.

Due to a water main break, the JH/HS will be without water starting at approximately 10 am. At 10 am the district will be dismissing ONLY the JH/HS students. The elementary school will be in school for the remainder of the day, as this does not affect the elementary school. Buses will run at 10 am for JH/HS students and regular routes for elementary students after school. Sports practices will be made on an individual coach's decision. A decision will be made about tomorrow, once the city has had a change to communicate with the district. Water bottles will continue to be available for any staff or students. If you have any questions, please contact the District Office at 620-983-2198.