PBHS Cheerleaders are excited to announce their competition times for Saturday, November 18. Performances are at the Stormont Vail Event Center in Topeka.
over 1 year ago, Brook Witty
PBHS Cheer Competition
We are still looking for basketball coaches. Link to application in comments.
over 1 year ago, Brook Witty
basketball coaches needed
Warrior Volleyball is in competition Saturday at 1pm. Substate is at Centre HS in Lost Springs, KS Go Warriors!
over 1 year ago, Brook Witty
substate volleyball
Red Ribbon Week is next week for Peabody-Burns Elementary School. As always, we use dress up days as a part of our Red Ribbon Week educational experience. Each day is listed in the attached photo.
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Red Ribbon Week
No School for staff or students October 20, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
No School .October 20
Red Ribbon Week is next week for Peabody-Burns Elementary School. As always, we use dress up days as a part of our Red Ribbon Week educational experience. Each day is listed in the attached photo.
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Red Ribbon Week
We are proud of our Warriors!
over 1 year ago, Rachel Wattson
In 4th grade last week we were working on growing friendships and learning to work together and listen to others ideas in the classroom. They did a team coloring activity. Then on Thursday we were able to get to know our 2nd grade book buddies.
over 1 year ago, Abigail Gaede
Coloring Groups
Book Buddies
Coloring Groups
Coloring Groups
Coloring Groups
Morning pep rally to wish PBJH good luck at their final volleyball and football games! Go Warriors!
over 1 year ago, Brook Witty
cheerleader and students at pep rally
Peabody-Burns Junior High has games Monday, October 16 Volleyball plays in the Wheat State League Tournament at Hope. Their 1st game at 2pm against Wakefield. Football plays their makeup game against Wakefield at Peabody City Park 6pm.
over 1 year ago, Brook Witty
game announcement
Reminder! Parent Teacher Conferences are approaching quickly! Please use this link to sign up with your student(s) advisory teacher! If you have any questions- Contact Mrs. Hall at the High School. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050A4AA5AD28A3FF2-44823954-fall
over 1 year ago, Haley Vivone
Parent Teacher Conferences
USD #398 will host Parent/Teacher Conferences on Oct 17th & 19th from 4 pm to 7 pm. Contact your school office for questions.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
PT Conferences Oct 17 & 19
Butler will be at conferences next week!
over 1 year ago, Haley Vivone
Butler at PT Conferences
Pumpkin Playtime with Parents as Teachers.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
Pumpkin Playtime - Octo 26th at 5:30 pm
Please consider going to the Town Hall Meeting. This is an issue that is an concern in all communities in the State of Kansas.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
Fentanyl Town Hall Meeting October 26 at 7:00 pm
The 1st-5th graders wrote, or drew a picture, of why music is important to them. Come and check out their reasons during conferences!
over 1 year ago, Krista Rudman
Reason music is important
Music is important
Music is important
Music is important pianos
Attention 8th grade parents and guardians!! If your child was in Mrs. Kyle's Kansas History class last year and they were part of the mural being painted at the Peabody Market, the official celebration will be Sunday, October 22!! Mrs. Kyle would like the kids to be there at 10 am to be part of this event. This is an exciting opportunity that the kids have had the privilege to be part of! Hope to see you there!!
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Kyle
Parent-Teacher Conferences are right around the corner. Please use this link to sign up for a time: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F49ABAB22A3FFC70-44814410-fall#/ If you have any questions or need to make a change, please call Juanita at the elementary and she will help. PBES families are also invited to our Halloween-themed Reading Night during our Parent-Teacher Conferences, so please bring your students to join in on the fun. Stop by the multipurpose room before or after your child's conference to read poems, play word games, and hear a silly (not scary) Halloween story. Students can earn candy for visiting!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Parent-Teacher Conferences
From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Community Thank You
Community Thank You
We are a couple weeks away from the start of basketball season. We are still in need of coaches for middle school boys and high school girls basketball teams. Without coaches our students will not be able to participate in these sports. If you or someone you know is interested in coaching our middle or high school teams please contact Ms. Witty (bwitty@usd398.com) or the USD 398 District office as soon as possible.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root