Meal Deal for this Friday Night Football Concessions!

Picture Day will be held on Wednesday, September 27 at Peabody-Burns Elementary School and Peabody-Burns Jr/Sr High School. Just a reminder, school pictures will only be take once this year.

Please welcome back two of the special people that get our kids to and from school, Roy Young & Carol Reynolds

From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!

Great first day of homecoming dress up day- mismatch day!

From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!

Meet your Fall Homecoming Candidates! Stacy, Esperanza, Arianna, and Cadence! Festivities start Monday!!

Wow! We have been super busy in 3rd grade! We started the year by learning about the US Regions. We wrote paragraphs about our regions and illustrated them.
We are now studying animal characteristics and habitats. The students we challenged to build a shelter for Roz the Robot from our book about animal life.

Warriors Football WINS!
53-31 over Burrton

Football @ Burrton
Halftime Score
13-6 Warriors

Peabody-Burns is looking for basketball coaches. If you or someone you know is interested ask for information at district office.
HS Girls Basketball
MS Boys Basketball

From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!

Homecoming is next week, September 18-22, and we love to support the Warriors and show our school spirit at Peabody-Burns Elementary School! Here are the PBES spirit week dress-up days to get us fired up to cheer on the Warriors this week!!

Homecoming is starting NEXT week! Here are the dress up days for the week!

Community Bonfire for Homecoming on Wednesday from 7-9pm at the High School!

A great night fot JHFB.

From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!

If you are interested in attending a Naloxone (NARCAN) training, one will be held at the Elementary School on Sept. 20th at 3:45 pm. The training lasts about an hour and is open to the public. If you would like to attend, please contact Mr. Root (aroot@usd398.com or 620-983-2198) so that we can have materials for everyone.

From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!

Michele Gossen was nominated for Teacher of the Year, through K-State. Last Saturday she got to go to the K-State FB game and be honored with other teachers from Kansas. They helped with pre-game ceremonies and other activities. Congratulations to Michelle. Thank you for all you do for USD #398..