From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Community Thank You
It's Volleyball 🏐 night in Yates Center! Go Warriors!!
over 1 year ago, Ryan Bartel
From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Community Thank You
Warrior Proud!!
over 1 year ago, Heidi Hittle
Run through 3
Run through 2
Run through
Warrior home opener! Join is at 6:00 to cheer on our boys as they take on Chetopa.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Bartel
State Game Day, here we come!!!
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Kyle
cheer state
Today's lesson was on written/verbal communication. The class wrote instructions for their classmates to follow. And then each got a turn to describe an image to the class. These are the results.
over 1 year ago, Evelen Bryan
drawings done by students
From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Community Thank You
Meal Deal for HS Football Game- Please Support the Junior Class! They will accept Cred Card payments!
over 1 year ago, Haley Vivone
meal deal- 6 dollars
Support the Junior Class this Friday at the HS Football game! Credit cards accepted!
over 1 year ago, Haley Vivone
meal deal- $6
Peabody-Burns High School Football Home Opener Friday, September 7 @ 6pm Come cheer on the Warriors!
over 1 year ago, Brook Witty
football graphic
Tonight's Junior High FB game is postponed for a future date TBD. Volleyball is still happening! Come cheer on our Junior High Warrior Volleyball Team!!
over 1 year ago, Ryan Bartel
Tonight's FB Game is cancelled.  Postponed for a future date.
USD #398 will be hosting a Flue Vaccine Clinic at the high school on October 2, 2023. See the flyer for more details.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
Flu Vaccine Clinic, PBHS, October 2nd from 3:00 to 5:00 pm.
For Parents and Students 12 and older - parents do not have to be present.
Please see the information about classes starting for Marion County Core Community. From Core Community: We have a new 'Getting Ahead in a Just Getting by World' class starting in about 2 weeks. At Core, we focus on building Community and addressing the 11 Resources that we have identified where an individual may be in Poverty. Poverty isn't just financial.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
Core Community Fall Classes are stating Thursday, Sept. 14th at Hillsboro MB Church
From our schools to your business, we'd like to say Thank You!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Community Thank You
Grandparents Day is TOMORROW at Peabody-Burns Elementary! No RSVP Needed! We will begin activities at 2:30 for afternoon preschool and k-5 students. Our morning preschool will begin at 10:15. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Grandparents Day
Welcome back to our Daycare Providers, Mrs. Hurst & Mrs. Eichkorn!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Changing positions and now serving as our district art teacher, please welcome back Mrs. Hittle.
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Welcome Back
Middle School Football starts their season at home.Thursday, September 7 at 6PM Go Warriors!
over 1 year ago, Brook Witty
football graphic
Middle School Volleyball is at home Thursday, September 7 starting at 4:30. Come cheer on your Warriors!
over 1 year ago, Brook Witty
volleyball graphic