The PBES teachers & students had their first day of school start off on the right foot with a "Welcome Back" sign and donuts. A huge thank you from our staff to PTO for the "Welcome Back" sign and Officer Wilson and the City of Peabody for the donuts! We are fortunate to have you all as a part of our school family!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
First Day Community Donations
First Day Community Donations
We are all so excited to be back in school! Our new Warrior teachers are starting off with a bang and loving every minute of their new adventure. It's all smiles from Miss Jurging, Mr. Chris, Mrs. Bethany, and Ms. Moody!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
First Day of School
First Day of School
First Day of School
First Day of School
Let's welcome back to the district, our elementary and high school counselors, Miss Wattson & Mrs. Hall!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Welcome Back
Welcome Back
Welcome Back - We are excited to get started with the 2023-24 School Year.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
Back to School August 16th, 2023
Welcome back to to our amazing chef, Chef Temp!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Welcome Back
Welcome back to our awesome USD #398 classroom & library aides!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Welcome Back
Both the JH/HS and Elementary Schools will host an Open House on August 15th from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Come meet the staff and teachers, find your classroom and see friends before school begins.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
Open House August 15 from 5 to 6 pm
Meal app change from Nutrislice to My School Menus.
over 1 year ago, Stephanie Winter
Welcome to School! OPAA is the foodservice provider for your district. Please check out all the choices available for breakfast and lunch by visiting the Healthepro application or by going to
Welcome back to the two most helpful District Office Staff in the world, Mrs. Hodges & Mrs. Winter!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Welcome Back
Welcome Back
Our new teachers are in the building! With a brand new year ahead, they are looking forward to getting started.
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
New Teacher Inservice
Welcome back to our Title 1 Educator, Mrs. Gossen!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Welcome Back
Let's welcome back our hard working Maintenance & Custodial Staff!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Welcome Back
The following is a list of the supplies needed for 6-12 Art at PBHS. 1-2 black fine point waterproof pens 1-2 Mixed media art journals 9x12 or 8x10 is the preferred size. Journals will be used at least 2-3 times a week, so starting out with one is fine, but a second one maybe needed. Below is an Amazon link with suggested products. I am looking forward to an exciting year! Mrs. Hittle
over 1 year ago, Haley Vivone
Please welcome back our two amazing secretaries, Mrs. Juanita and Mrs. Lies!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Welcome Back
Welcome Back
Hard copies of the USD #398 District Calendar are now available for pick up at Peabody-Burns Elementary School between 8:00am and 3:30pm Monday through Friday. PBES is asking for just a small contribution to continue beautifying the building and giving our students a school to be proud of. Thank you all for your very generous donations thus far! Our communities play a huge role in the success of our youth as we continue to be Warrior Strong!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
District Calendar
Please help us in welcoming Tara Pease as she will serve as a paraprofessional at Peabody-Burns Elementary School this year!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
New Staff
Our fall sports seasons start very soon and we need an assistant volleyball coach at PBHS. Contact Central Office for applications.
over 1 year ago, Brook Witty
volleyball graphic
Please help us welcome back to Peabody-Burns Elementary School this year as a para professional instead of a student, Sienna Sutton!
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Welcome New Staff
Fall Sports Preseason Parent Meeting Monday, August 7 @ 6pm JH & HS students-athletes & parent(s) need to attend!
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
sports graphic
Fall Sports Preseason Parent Meeting Monday, August 7 @ 6pm JH & HS student-athletes and a parent(s) need to be in attendance!
over 1 year ago, Brook Witty
Sports Graphic