Please help us in welcoming our new math teacher, Jamie Spoonmore! Jamie will be teaching math at PBMS/HS this year. This will be her 9th year of teaching. She received her Bachelors of Science in Math Education along with her Masters of Science in Math Education from FHSU. She has taught anywhere from 7th grade to post secondary math. She currently lives where she grew up, just outside of Goessel, with her 20 month old son, Kaiden, boyfriend, Rick, and 3 dogs. In her spare time, she likes to spend time with her son doing whatever he wants to do - like watching Toy Story. After teaching at a post-secondary school the last two years, Jamie is excited to get back into the classroom and meet everybody! Here’s to a great year! #rolltiges
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Welcome New Staff
Please help us in welcoming our new preschool teacher, Bethany McIrvin! Mrs. McIrvin attended all K-12 school years at Marion Schools. She received her Bachelors of Arts degree from Tabor College majoring in Elementary Education. She completed her student teaching at USD 398 under first grade teacher, Donna Hanneman. Mrs. McIrvin has been in the early childhood field for 12 plus years, and is excited about the opportunity to teach at Peabody-Burns and return to Marion County.
over 1 year ago, Travis Schafer
Welcome New Staff
Join Parents as Teachers at the dedication of the Larry Paine Memorial Splash Pad in Hillsboro. See the flyer for details.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
Splash Party, Friday, July 28th at Larry Paine Splash Pad, Hillsboro, KS  starting at noon.
See the information below for Pre-School Enrollment. Enrollment is August 3rd from 10 am to 7 pm at the high school. If you have any questions, contact the Central Office at 620-983-2198.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
Pre school Enrollment Infomration
If you are a HS student taking college classes through Butler CC, please see the attached information about the Van Buren Family Scholarship.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
VanBuren Family Scholarhsip Application available through Butler CC.
Attached is the Elementary School Supply List for the 2023-24 school year.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
2023-24 Supply List for PBES
2023-24 PBES Supply List
USD 398 is looking for someone to fill an open position on the Board of Education through December 2023. If you are interested please contact the Central Office at 620-983-2198, for more information.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
Board of Education Vacancy, Contact the Central Office for more infomration.
Save time at enrollment by filling out the online meal application for free and reduced lunches. The application can be found on the USD 398 website or by using the link below. If you have any questions, please contact Central Office at 620-983-2198.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
School Lunch
Student Athletes planning to participate in Fall Sports will need a physical before the first day of practice. If your child needs a physical they can get the KSHSAA from their coach this week, at morning weights, or you can download and print one from the following link.
over 1 year ago, Brook Witty
Athletic Physical Image
Reminder! Next week is Fall Sports camp for middle and high school athletes interested in playing volleyball or football. Contact coaches C. Dutton or E. Dutton for details.
over 1 year ago, Brook Witty
sports graphic
If you child is headed into Preschool see the flyer for more information. We look forward to seeing their smiling faces in August.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
Preschool enrollment - starting date is August 18th.  Contact the Central Office at 620-983-2198 for more information.
USD #398 Enrollment will be August 3rd from 10 am to 7 pm at the High School. If you want to fill at the forms before you come, most can be found online on the website. Please contact the Central Office at 620-983-2198 if you have any questions.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
Enrollment - Aug. 3rd from 10 am to 7 pm at the High School
Kindergarten Enrollment is right around the corner. If you will have a kindergartener next year, this information is for you.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
Kindergarten Enrollment - August 3rd, Start date is Friday August 18th.
Please see in the information below for 2023-24 School Meal Prices. Call the Central Office to start adding money to your students account - 620-983-2198.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
2023-24 School Meal Prices
It is time to start thinking about back to school. Attached is the Elementary School Supply List for the 2023-24 school year. We look forward to seeing everyone in August. Enrollment is August 3rd from 10 am to 7 pm at the high school.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
Elementary Supply List
4th & 5th Grade List
Check out the video link below to watch the Apply Kansas 2023 All Star Award Ceremony. USD #398 received this award. So proud of the work that HS staff does in getting kids information about applying for a post secondary opportunity, FAFSA completion and Senior Signing Day.
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
USD #398 continues to look for a JH FB & VB Coach for the Fall season. If you are interested please contact the Central Office at 620-983-2198 or click on the link below to fill out an application.*
over 1 year ago, Antoinette Root
USD 398 is hiring JH VB & FB Coach, bus drivers, substitute teachers.  Contact the District Office at 620-983-2198 for more infomraiton.
Peabody- Burns Middle and High School students interested in playing volleyball and football should attend team camps. July 10-11 & 13-14 6:30-8pm Contact Coach C. Dutton (VB) or E. Coach Dutton (FB) with questions.
over 1 year ago, Brook Witty
sports graphic
2023-2024 School Meal Prices Announced
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Winter
2023-2024 School Meal Prices. Grades PK-5 $2.25 for breakfast and $3.25 for lunch. Grades 6-12, $2.25 for breakfast and $3.50 for lunch. Adults, $3.25 for breakfast and $4.50 for lunch. Log into your EZSchool pay account anytime to start adding money to your meal account. More meal info coming in July.
Parents as Teachers is hiring a Parent Educator. This is someone who would be working with Peabody future students. Please see the information below.
almost 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
Parents as Teachers is hiring an Parent Educator.  If you are interested call 620-947-4343.