Senior Parents- Please join us this Thursday at 3pm for our Academic Signing Day if your child plans to attend a post-secondary institution right after high school!
almost 2 years ago, Haley Vivone
Academic signing day
Can you find the simple machines? Third grade has completed their tree houses and they are so good!
almost 2 years ago, Raquel Welch
simple machines
pulley and slide
pulley and screw
wedge and screw
Here are the top 6 finishers from yesterday's track meet.
almost 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
Peabody-Burns/Hillsboro baseball game today at Memorial Field 4:00pm!
almost 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
bb game day
Come support our high school girls swim team for their final home meet at Marion today! Swimming starts at 3:00pm!
almost 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
Game Day
Event List
Here is the Order of Events for our home junior high track meet tomorrow.
almost 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
 order of events
Free physical day is just a little over 2 weeks away, May 2nd! Please make sure to get your student's forms turned into April Wedel so she can get you an appointment. We have several spots available still. Anyone 13 and older with the forms filled out will be able to be seen without a parent!
almost 2 years ago, April Wedel
Mark your calendars! 8th Grade Promotion & JH Awards Night Tuesday, May 16 6:30 pm Brown Gym
almost 2 years ago, Ryan Bartel
Mark your calendars! 8th Grade Promotion & JH Awards Night Tuesday, May 16 6:30 pm Brown Gym
Family Fun Night scheduled for Saturday, April 15 will be moved to Peabody-Burns Jr/Sr High School in the Brown Gymnasium due to forecasted weather. The fun will begin at 5:00 pm and go until 8:00 pm. We look forward to seeing you all there!
almost 2 years ago, Travis Schafer
Family Fun Night has been moved to the Jr/Sr High School
Senior Parents: Here is an update with dates/times for the upcoming graduation events! If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Hall at the high school.
almost 2 years ago, Haley Vivone
Graduation Practice- thursday may 11 at 9am. Walking at the elementary- thursday, may 11 at 10:30 am. Graduation- may 14 at 4pm.
Learning Chromebook screen fixing skills.
almost 2 years ago, Ryan Bartel
student fixing Chromebook
Our middle schoolers have been having fun working on their pickleball skills.
almost 2 years ago, Ryan Bartel
If you are interested in serving on the Board of Education for USD #398, please contact the District Office for more infomration.
almost 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
USD 398 has Board of Education Vacancies.  If you are interested please call 620-983-2198.
USD #398 is hiring Supplemental Coaching Positions. If you are interested please call 620-983-2198.
almost 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
Supplemental Positions available, JH FB Coach, JH VB Coach HS Asst.  VB Coach, HS Girls BB Coach, Asst. Track Coach.  Contact 620-983-2198 for more infomration.
A huge thank you to the Leppkes and Kathy Winter for letting our MSHS track athletes use your hills. They hated it but it was really good for them!
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ford
high school students running up a hill
Track practice today at 4:00pm ! meet at the track. The Burns bus will not run
almost 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
Worm dissection! Today our Biology students learned about the inner workings of Earthworms.
almost 2 years ago, Ryan Bartel
Student cutting open a worm.
Close up of worm
As a school district, we understand the importance of ensuring that all students have access to necessary healthcare services. In order to support this goal, we wanted to remind families that participate in Kansas Medicaid (KanCare) or the Children Health Insurance Program (CHIP) that KanCare and CHIP will soon resume the eligibility review process. This means that some families with KanCare or CHIP may receive a renewal notice or request for information from the KanCare Clearinghouse. We would like to encourage all families who are currently enrolled in Medicaid to review their information and make any necessary updates. This will ensure that your child continues to receive eligible benefits for healthcare services. If you need assistance in updating your Medicaid information, please contact the KanCare Clearinghouse at 1-800-792-4884.
almost 2 years ago, April Wedel
Along with state assessments and a field trip third grade decided to practice our creativity, perseverence and knowledge of simple machines by building treehouses. We are busy, busy, busy.
almost 2 years ago, Raquel Welch
3rd grade is learning creativity, perseverance and simple machines by creating their own treehouses
busy, busy
We are partnering with Health Ministries Mobile Clinic once again to provide FREE physicals to our student athletes. The Mobile Clinic will be parked outside of the MS/HS on May 2nd from 1:30-4:00 pm. All 5th-11th grade parents should be recieving a packet in the mail to fill out and return to the nurse, April Wedel, by May 2nd if you are interested. If you have any questions please call the school or email April at
almost 2 years ago, April Wedel
Free physicals