Here is the order of events for our home high school track meet tomorrow.
almost 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
7th Grade Science using Oreo to study Plate Tectonics.
almost 2 years ago, Ryan Bartel
group work
A cookie
CNA Courses for Summer and Fall 2023 now available through Butler CC
almost 2 years ago, Haley Vivone
Butler CNA Courses now available for summer and fall 20223
The 2023-24 District Calendar is official. See the calendar below. You can also see a copy on the District Website and District Google Calendar.
almost 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
USD 398 2023-24 School Calendar
The PBMS Quiz Bowl teams did an amazing job tonight at the Centre Quiz Bowl Meet! The 7th grade team won first place, and the 8th grade team won third place! Go Warriors!!
almost 2 years ago, Kaila Schmidt
The 7th Grade Quiz Bowl Team won first place tonight!
7th grade won first place!
The 8th Grade Quiz Bowl Team won 3rd place tonight!
Yesterday morning, National Honor Society provided breakfast to honor our 3rd Quarter Honor Roll students!
almost 2 years ago, Ryan Bartel
Student making pancakes.
Table of Condiments
Cafeteria of students eating breakfast
In honor of the first day of spring, here are the first dates for our 2023 spring plant sale put on by Warrior Soil, the Peabody-Burns JH/HS Greenhouse and Garden.
almost 2 years ago, Rachel Winter
Warrior Soil Spring Plant Sale Dates: April 12-14 from 4-6 pm, April 15 from 9am-4 pm, and April 16 from noon to 3 pm
See below for positions that are open at USD #398.
almost 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
USD 398 is hiring for JH Head VB Coach, Bus Drivers, Substitute Drivers,  teachers, daycare workers & Teachers Aide.  Contact 620-983-2198 for information
USD #398 is looking to hire and Elementary Teachers Aide for the 2023-24 school year.
about 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
USD #398 is hiring an Elementary Teachers Aide.  Applications can be found at or calling 620-983-2198.
The third grade finished their week by learning about concentric circles and the art of Kandinsky. We created our own Kandinsky circles.
about 2 years ago, Raquel Welch
We are looking for a new head middle school volleyball coach! Please email the athletic director for details!
about 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
April Community Service
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Kyle
WARRIOR , SERVICE DAY SPRING 2022 April 26, 2023 Are you in need of help around your home or business in Peabody or Burns? Our PBMS/HS students and teachers would love to help! Please email or to get your name on our list! Possible projects include: Cleaning up flower beds, piling limbs and taking to burn pit, washing business windows, business clean-up, pulling weeds, basic yard clean-up. First come, first served!
Egg My Yard!!!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Kyle
Cheer Eggs
The USD398 Scholarship is now available! Please complete the following application and attach necessary materials to the application by Friday, March 31st. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hall (
about 2 years ago, Haley Vivone
In honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday, the first graders read the book "Oh The Place's You'll Go." They worked really hard to create their very own hot air balloon to tell the place's that they will go!
about 2 years ago, Mallory Harris
Writing sentences
Working hard!
Eliza’s Balloon
Scarlett’s Balloon
Peabody-Burns Recreation Commission Baseball and Softball information: -Fee $20/participant(make checks payable to Peabody-Burns Rec. Commission) fees must be attached with the registration form. -Forms can be picked up at the schools -Deadline to register Thursday, March 9
about 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
Butler Comm. College will be at Parent Teacher Conferences Tuesday the 7th.
about 2 years ago, Ryan Bartel
Next week is packed at the Jr./Sr. High School. Please review the activity schedule carefully. Note: Jr./Sr. HS does not have school Tuesday due to Wheat State League JH Music Festival. Elementary School does still have school.
about 2 years ago, Ryan Bartel
Mar. 6-10
February Newsletter now available
about 2 years ago, Stephanie Winter
February Newsletter
Reminder that the high school boys basketball game tonight is at 7:00pm vs. St. Xavier Admission is 8$ for Adults and 6$ for K-12 NO PASSES WILL BE ACCEPTED
about 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell