Student-Led Conferences are just around the corner! They are March 7th & 9th from 4-8pm. Please sign up with your childs' advisory teacher below:
about 2 years ago, Haley Vivone
Come support our High School Boys Basketball Team this Friday vs. St.Xavier in the first round of Sub-State! Admission: 8$ Adults 6$ K-12 Only KSHSAA passes accepted Our staff and students will NOT be allowed into the game for free.
about 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
We want to celebrate National FFA Week. Please contact the high school for a list of activities taking place this week.
about 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
FFA Week
Thursday 2/23 High School Girls Basketball Game vs. Wakefield has been cancelled. It will not be rescheduled.
about 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
High school sub state basketball tournament assignments: The boys will play at home on Friday vs. St. Xavier at 7:00pm The girls will play on Thursday at Wakefield 7:00pm If we win we will advance to play again next week in the semi finals at Burrton High School.
about 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
The 5th grade students are working hard to prepare for their first bucket band performance!
about 2 years ago, Rachel Wattson
PBES Bucket Band
No School on February 17th & 20th. Have a great weekend.
about 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
No School
Pre-K enjoyed some much needed time outside after many days of indoor recess!
about 2 years ago, Megan Hittle
Pre-K fun in the sun!
Middle School Intro to Family & Consumer Sciences is studying table service. They got out of the classroom to practice place settings with a relay race.
about 2 years ago, Ryan Bartel
See the information attached about a fun activity from Parents as Teachers.
about 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
PAT Little Gym
Kindergarten has been hard at work here at PBES! We are celebrating the 100th day of school today with fun activities. We also have been learning how to segment and blend words. We love to read here in Kindergarten!
about 2 years ago, Jenae Waite
100th Day Fun!
Happy 100th Day!
Kansas Day!
Third grade has had a very busy month. We have studies motion, graphing and KS day and had an IDL on KS history trivia. This week we began Black History Month with a story called The Drinking Gourd. To accompany the story we made star clocks that show us the time by looking for the big dipper.
about 2 years ago, Raquel Welch
Star Clock
2nd Grade got to share library time with their 5th Grade Book Buddies today!
about 2 years ago, Austin Weaver
Meet our 2023 Winter Homecoming Candidates! Alex, Abriauna, Weston, Roslyn, and Jessie!
about 2 years ago, Haley Vivone
This week the first graders are exploring how shadows work! We experimented by using a flashlight and their little gnome buddy to match the different ways a shadow can move. Tomorrow we will be testing our theory that as the sun moves our shadows move/change. 🔦
about 2 years ago, Mallory Harris
Two students working hard to move the shadow to the right spot
Discovering shadows!
Moving Shadows!
We have lots of fun things coming up with Homecoming next week! Below are the Spirit Day Dress Up Days and we are having a Middle School Winter Homecoming Bash on Wednesday (the 8th) from 4pm-6pm! Thursday (the 9th) we are holding a Community Event with Warrior Booster Club from 6-8pm. We will have hot dogs and games inside the Gym at PBHS. Friday (the 10th) is the Warrior Basketball game with Candidate Crowning in-between the Boys and Girls Basketball Games. Following the Games Friday, we will hold the High School Winter Homecoming Bash until 10pm!
about 2 years ago, Haley Vivone
Spirit Days
bash 2
The concessions stand meal deal tomorrow at the tournament will be sponsored by the 2024 after prom committee. See details below.
about 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
Here is the boys and girls Bracket for the Junior High Wheat State League Basketball Tournaments. On Thursday at 6:30pm the Girls will play Elyria in the New Gym at and the boys will play Centre in the Brown Gym at 7:45pm.
about 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
Come watch Junior high basketball take on Little River for our last home game of the regular season.
about 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
We went big in celebrating Coach Tegtmeier's birthday today.
about 2 years ago, Ryan Bartel