The Middle School 🏀 season has started! Go Warriors!

Junior High Basketball Game
❗️Schedule Update ❗️

Join us on December 3rd from 9-11 am in the PBHS brown gym to recieve a free flu vaccine regardless for insurance status! If you have insurance please bring your card.

Check out our newsletter at usd398.net

Photo buttons will be taken tomorrow, Wednesday, after school. Forms need to be turned in ASAP as I would like to have the buttons done for their first game!!

Basketball season has started for the Jr. High and their first game will be right around the corner!! Photo button order forms will be going home with students Thursday and photos will be taken Monday. I will also have order forms in my room as well!!
Mrs. Hittle

Parents of current 7-9th graders,
Final reminder for tonight's parent meeting for the Washington D.C. Please consider joining us Live Stream @ 7:00 PM any interest!
RSVP: https://bit.ly/3CNqhLt
Link to join
Don't miss out!
Tegtmeier & McGee

We have been having a blast in Kindergarten! We were able to visit Walters Pumpkin Patch after learning all about pumpkins at school. We are learning new letters each week and have been working on penmanship. We also love adding objects together and were able to count seeds out of a pumpkin!

You couldn't ask for a more beautiful day for a Halloween Parade! PBES was able to hold their parade outside today and it did not disappoint. The students' costumes were on cue and they had a great time. The parties to follow were energetic as well and our students and staff had a great time letting loose. We also had some pretty great costumes from the staff as well. The energy is high and the vibe is right at USD #398. It's a great time to be a Warrior!

Attention Peabody-Burns Elementary Parents/Guardians,
On Friday, October 28 the Peabody-Burns Elementary will be having some trees removed. The parking lot will not be available from 11:00 am until the end of the school day. This will affect anybody attending the preschool Halloween Parade and those picking students up after school.
If you plan to attend the preschool Halloween Parade, please park on the street as the parking lot will be unavailable. Morning and afternoon preschool, as well as kindergarten through fifth grade students will both dismiss out of the doors leading to the playground on the north side of the school. We ask that those picking their students up in a vehicle to please park on the road on the north side of the school near the track.
Thank you for your understanding and flexibility. If you have any further questions, please contact Mr. Schafer at Peabody-Burns Elementary or Ms. Root at the District Office.
Mr. Schafer – (620) 983-2188
Ms. Root – (620) 983-2198

Preschool Halloween Parade is this Friday!

Cheer on our cheer squad as they compete in Topeka on November 19!

Just a reminder: If your kiddos need to take or retake their pictures, Wednesday is the day. Due to poor planning by Mr. Schafer, it is also Pajama Day for Red Ribbon Week. So, if your kiddo is taking part in retakes, be sure to put some PJ's in their backpack and they can change after they get that picture snapped. 🙂

Dear Parents,
This is a reminder from you favorite P.E. Teacher Mr. Brazell to please make sure your kid(s) are wearing, and or brining P.E. Shoes to school. We will be working on our soccer skills for the next TWO WEEKS. If your child does not have P.E. shoes, they may have to sit out during certain games and activities for the safety of themselves and others. Thank you.
Mr. Brazell, Physical Education Teacher

Just a reminder about Spirit Week for Red Ribbon Week at PBES!

Congratulations to Maddy Blythe for being nominated by Coach Denae Kyle to attend CheerHawaii!! She found out last night that she will be representing Peabody-Burns this June at a week-long experience in beautiful Honolulu, Hawaii!!

First playoff game vs Chase High
Friday October 28th 7:00pm

A small town with big dreams. A place where pride and passion meet success. The Gridiron! We are...WARRIORS! LET'S GO!!!

Come out to Centre High School to Watch your Peabody-Burns Warriors play in their last regular season game.
Kickoff @ 7:00

2nd Grade learning about fire safety!