Junior High Basketball Parent Meeting will be held on: Thursday October, 27th at 6:00pm in the Brown Gym All Parents and students who are playing middle school basketball are encouraged to come.
over 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
Come support your High School Volleyball Team as they go to Tescott for the Sub-State Tournament this Saturday October 22 First game starts at 1:00 vs. Burrton Go Warriors!
over 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
hs VB
Thank you to our USD #398 transportation crew. This includes those stepping out of the classroom or office to drive a route on certain days. It definitely takes everybody stepping up to make a small district run. You are all appreciated beyond belief!
over 2 years ago, Travis Schafer
Transportation Appreciation Day
Great Job Warriors. JH Volleyball went 1-1 at the Wheat State League Tournament today
over 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
jh VB
Just a Reminder! Student-Led Conferences are THIS Tuesday and Thursday from 4pm to 8pm! This is a wonderful opportunity for your child(ren) to let you know what's going on with their academics and future plans. Please follow the link below to sign-up with your child(ren)'s Advisory teacher. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hall at the high school. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050A4AA5AD28A3FF2-fall3
over 2 years ago, Haley Vivone
USD #398 Peabody-Burns wants to wish our Superintendent and District Leader, Ms. Root, a Happy Boss's Day!
over 2 years ago, Travis Schafer
Boss's Day
Josten's will be at PBHS to talk to Seniors and Sophomores on Tuesday October 25th to talk to Seniors about Caps & Gowns and Sophomores about Class Rings.
over 2 years ago, Haley Vivone
Warrior Volleyball has league tourney tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, Rachel Winter
We are currently looking for a head high school girls basketball coach. Please submit your application by October 28th.
over 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
Junior High Football & Volleyball goes to Goessel. Serves up: 4:30 Kickoff: 6:00
over 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
jh fbvb
This week 4th grade is diving into various forms of media. Today we explored the Hillsboro Free Press where we identified the target audiences for various sections such as sports, Bomgaars, and Dale’s Supermarket. We also saw the picture of the PBHS homecoming queen and king from the homecoming game!
over 2 years ago, Abigail Gaede
Working Hard
Reading a newspaper
Looking at the newspaper
Working on Kid’s Scoop Section
Come to PBES tomorrow, 10/12/22, from 3:30-5:00 to get your flu shot!
over 2 years ago, April Wedel
Flu Vaccine Clinic 2022
This is the 100th year for Fire Prevention Week. Talk with your family about what you would do incase of a fire. Be prepared.
over 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
Fire Prevention Week
High School Football game is at 3:00pm on Friday Senior Recognition is at the conclusion of the game
over 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
Come out to support your High School volleyball Team on Thursday as we celebrate our Seniors last Home game of the season.
over 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
hs VB
This is National School Lunch Week - Help us thank our food services workers and everyone who helps with school lunches, They are the best.
over 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
National School Lunch Week
It’s National School Lunch week! Are your students taking full advantage of the fresh fruit and vegetable bar?? 🥒🍎🍉🍇🍅 Available everyday to students eating a school lunch!
over 2 years ago, Melissa Smith
Student-Led Conferences are next Tuesday and Thursday from 4pm to 8pm! This is a wonderful opportunity for your child(ren) to let you know what's going on with their academics and future plans. Please follow the link below to sign-up with your child(ren)'s Advisory teacher. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hall at the high school. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050A4AA5AD28A3FF2-fall3
over 2 years ago, Ryan Bartel
Cheer is going to state!!!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Kyle
Everybody in the horticulture class is hard at work
over 2 years ago, Brett McGee
Chris is making sure we have plenty of flats to plant in
Horticulture class taking cuttings
More cuttings
Making sure everything is watered