over 2 years ago, Travis Schafer
Today 4th grade took advantage of the weather and identified verb types in their workbooks.
over 2 years ago, Abigail Gaede
Helping each other out!
Working on picnic benches.
Hard working students.
PBES had a fun visit from Bill Johnston of the Kansas Corn STEM. the students really enjoyed our time with him.
over 2 years ago, Raquel Welch
STEM corn visit
JH leadership class out cleaning windshields for upcoming trips.
over 2 years ago, Kody Tegtmeier
Parent-Teacher Conferences are right around the corner. Please use the link below to choose a date and time to meet with your child's teacher. Conference dates are October 18 and October 20. Have a great day! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F49ABAB22A3FFC70-fall1
over 2 years ago, Travis Schafer
2nd Grade built ganza instruments while 4th grade created rhythm patterns using highlighters under a black light in music class!
over 2 years ago, Rachel Wattson
2nd Grade (Left), 4th Grade (Right)
2nd Grade and 4th Grade
Come join us this Thursday at 3:00om in the Brown Gym to cheer on our Middle School Volleyball and Football teams as they prepare take on Centre for their final home game of the season!
over 2 years ago, Ryan Bartel
Pep Rally
Please let our Principals, Travis & Ryan, know that you appreciate them and all they do for our schools.
over 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
Principals Month
October 2nd was School Custodian Appreciation Day. Even though we are a day late in saying "Thank you," the next time you see Rich, Ron, Robin or Ann - please let them know how much we appreciate all they do to keep our buildings clean and running smoothly.
over 2 years ago, Antoinette Root
School Janitor
Senior Parents: Don't forget! FAFSA Night is this Wednesday (Oct 5) at 6pm at PBHS! Mrs. Hall will be sending more information home with the Seniors today about what you need to bring and how to prepare for Wednesday! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hall.
over 2 years ago, Haley Vivone
Fafsa Night
PBHS Warrior Volleyball is starting their fall fundraiser. Make a donation and we will BOO your friends and family.
over 2 years ago, Rachel Winter
first BOO of the year
Come out tonight for Friday night lights and the reveal of our homecoming king and queen! Crowning 6:30pm Kickoff 7:00pm
over 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
7th Grade PBL Projects Swing by next week and check them out in our library!
over 2 years ago, Ryan Bartel
Homecoming 2022!! Come out and support the Warriors!!
over 2 years ago, Heidi Hittle
Who's hungry?! Culinary Essentials making pico de fallo in class yesterday.
over 2 years ago, Ryan Bartel
Warrior Volleyball is getting homecoming float ready. Parade is Friday at 12:50!!!
over 2 years ago, Rachel Winter
BOO the titans!!!
practicing our mad art skills
laid out to dry
This week in Kindergarten we learned the letter c and o. We have had so much fun playing our new bump game and painting! We are also learning what the words equal, greater and less than mean.
over 2 years ago, Jenae Waite
Having fun playing!
Playing Bump!
We love the fun games we get to pay on the new line tv!
Dot painting with a q-tip!
We had a great first spirit day at the elementary and middle/high school!
over 2 years ago, Haley Vivone
Come out to support our High School Volleyball team as we compete against Herington and Centre
over 2 years ago, Dylan Brazell
Mrs. Woodard, Ms. Cameo, and Miss Hodges took learning outdoors with our kindergarten students to take advantage of this amazing weather.
over 2 years ago, Travis Schafer
Outdoor Learning
Outdoor Learning