Due to weather related concerns, tomorrow's junior high track meet at Goessel has been postponed until Tuesday, May 3, at 10 am.
almost 3 years ago, Tyler Schroeder
Congratulations Alex Young on a near perfect score (79/80) at State Music Contest in Hesston today!! Make sure you come to Band BBQ Wednesday at 6pm to hear him perform his solo!
almost 3 years ago, Tyler Schroeder
Today's high school track meet at Hillsboro has been postponed. The meet will resume on Monday at 4:00.
almost 3 years ago, Tyler Schroeder
The MS/HS horticulture classes worked with Peabody Historical Society to clean up and plant the gardens at the Morgan house this week. Don’t forget to go take a tour on Memorial Day to see their hard work (after you partake in dinner with the Sophomore class)!!!
almost 3 years ago, Rachel Winter
students at the Morgan House gardens
Be sure your kids are picking up some of these free, nutritious meals in the cafeteria today!
almost 3 years ago, Melissa Smith
Warrior activities for the week
almost 3 years ago, Tyler Schroeder
Apr 25
Please stop by tomorrow! This will be inside the east doors at the high school, not outside as noted on the flier.
almost 3 years ago, Tyler Schroeder
Parents as Teachers Zoo Trip. See the information below.
almost 3 years ago, Antoinette Root
Zoo Trip
Today the 8th grade Social Studies class had the chance to explore the Peabody Museum and help to get everything cleaned up before Memorial Day weekend! We loved getting the chance to volunteer in our community and learn more about our local history!
almost 3 years ago, Lillian Lingenfelter
8th grade volunteers
8th grade volunteers
8th grade volunteers
Warrior Activities for the week
almost 3 years ago, Tyler Schroeder
April 18
Congrats to the Warrior Forensics Team on another successful week! Stacy placed 3rd in Informative speaking, Logan and Alex placed 1st in Improvised Duet Acting and qualified to state!!!
almost 3 years ago, Lillian Lingenfelter
No School Friday, April 15th & Monday, April 19th.
almost 3 years ago, Antoinette Root
No School Friday & Monday
Here is today’s order of events for the junior high track meet at Remington
almost 3 years ago, Kody Tegtmeier
JH order of events
An opportunity for infants and toddlers.
almost 3 years ago, Antoinette Root
M & M Flyer
See you there!
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Kyle
Here is the order events for the meet at Remington today. As you can see there will be no high jump or polevault I also just got word that there will be no javelin today
almost 3 years ago, Kody Tegtmeier
order of events
See the information about how to give you children the Gift of Reading.
almost 3 years ago, Antoinette Root
The Gift of Reading
Warrior Activities for the week
almost 3 years ago, Tyler Schroeder
April 11
The April Newsletter has been uploaded to the website, www.usd398.net. We again are sorry for not being able to print and mass mail it due to continued toner shortages.
almost 3 years ago, Stephanie Winter
Here is todays schedule of events. Field events starting at 3:30 in Marion.
almost 3 years ago, Kody Tegtmeier
todays schedule of events.