The Juniors went on a campus visit to K-State today! They attended an admissions presentation, toured campus (through the rain), and ate lunch in the dining hall! Go Cats!

It’s cold and dreary outside but the greenhouse is nice and warm!!! Horticulture students practiced some succulent designs today in preparation for Warrior Soil Opening Weekend on April 15 & 16!!

It’s cold and dreary outside but the greenhouse is nice and warm!!! Horticulture students practiced some succulent designs today in preparation for Warrior Soil Opening Weekend on April 15 & 16!!

Yesterday's JV baseball game against Marion has been rescheduled for Friday, April 1 at 5 pm

Tonight's JV baseball game has been cancelled

At the June 2021 Kansas State Board of Education meeting, Commissioner of Education Randy Watson announced the establishment of a Graduation Requirements Task Force, which include members of the State Board of Education, business leaders, curriculum directors, high school principals, counselors, teachers, KSHSAA, local boards of education and superintendents, charged with examining graduation requirements in Kansas from at least three different lenses:
Additional courses or deletion of courses required for graduation (if any).
Examination of competencies and multiple ways to show mastery of skills which allow students to move at their own pace and time.
Examination of any additional requirements in addition to the high school diploma (value-added assets such as industry recognized certificate, college credits, etc.)
Today, we’re asking for your feedback to help guide the work of this group. Please use the QR code included in the attached document to complete a short survey regarding your thoughts on Kansas’ high school graduation requirements. The deadline to submit feedback is April 15.

Warrior Activities for this week

Congratulations to Philip for receiving all league recognition in basketball!

See the information below about getting help with your water bill.

Congratulations to our new cheer squad!!!
Front: Chloe Callahan, Lexi Davis, Adriana Hacker
Back: Maddy Blythe, Angelina Fistler, Esperanza Solis, Abriauna Fisher

WSL JH Music Festival takes place today in Goessel. Our band performs at 8:55 and choir performs at 10:10.
Goessel will be livestreaming the event at the following links.
Instrumental - https://youtu.be/TufsgkW8kPY
Vocal - https://youtu.be/FPGR1P1Otlg

Junior high and high school track practice begins tomorrow, March 9, after school. If your student has not participated in a sport this year, they will need to complete a physical, concussion form, and medical release form before being allowed to practice.
Please contact Mr. Schroeder or Coach Tegtmeier with questions.

This Wednesday is the blood drive! There are still plenty of time slots open if you'd like to make an appointment, please contact Ms. Lingenfelter.
The Blood Drive will be at PBHS in the East Gym from 8:45-1:45 on 3/9.

Student Led Conferences are this week! Make sure you get signed up to hear from your student(s) how their learning is progressing!

Congratulations to our student-athletes on their efforts at yesterday's powerlifting meet.
Jeff - 1st in clean, 1st in bench, 3rd in squat. 1st overall!
Jake - 3rd in squat. 2nd in clean. 3rd overall
Kalea - 1st in bench and 2nd overall

Students participating in the powerlifting meet will leave tomorrow morning at 5:50 am. Please remember to bring all paperwork and the $30 entry fee.

Please join us for Spring Student-Led Conferences on March 8th and 10th from 4-8pm. This is the perfect time to discuses your child's current grades and progress, post secondary plans, and more! We also have open times available for you to meet with your child's other teachers! You can schedule a time to meet with your child's advisory teacher at the link below: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050A4AA5AD28A3FF2-spring2
If you have any questions, Mrs. Hall would be happy to help!

Please join USD #398 for a poverty simulation on April 4th at 8:30 am. Please see the filer for more details and information.

Baseball/softball has already begun and JH/HS track begins next Wednesday. Please see the attached image for game schedules
Please contact Mr. Schroeder or Coach Tegtmeier if you have any questions

The 2022 Peabody USD398 Scholarship is now available. Students (current high school and college) can follow the link below to complete the application. The scholarship application and required material is DUE March 28th, 2022. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hall.