Junior high basketball parents - Please see the attached image for game schedules and leave times for the upcoming season. This will be distributed at tonight's parent/athlete meeting.

Reminder for tomorrow night's Fall Sports Awards banquet
Also - Junior high and high school basketball will have parent/athlete meetings at 7:30

The MS and HS Horticulture classes put in fall gardens in August. We have been very lucky with a mild fall and today they got to harvest some veggies!!!

A fun event this Saturday at the Marion City Park.

Helping us capture the hearts and smiles of both students and staff, please say hello to Mrs. Heidi Hittle.

**Attention basketball players and parents**
On Tuesday, November 16, there will be winter sports meetings for high school basketball (Coach Kyle), junior high girls basketball (Coach Hatton), and junior high boys basketball (Coach Reynolds). Athletes and parents are required to attend these meetings. Meetings will begin at 7:30 (following the fall sports banquet)

Next Tuesday, November 16, cheer, high school football, and high school volleyball will be recognized at the Fall Sports Banquet where . Please see the attached image for details. A letter will be coming home with your son/daughter as well.
Please contact Mr. Schroeder with any questions

Congratulations to Coach Schmidt and the Scholars Bowl team for their win today at the Rural Vista Tournament!!
Go Warriors!!

The best bookworm we know, say hello to Mrs. Shelli Rehmert.

Junior high girls basketball will practice from 12 to 3 pm on Monday, November 8.

Junior high boys basketball will have practice on Monday, November 8 from 8:45 to 10:45 am.

Parents of all MS/HS students,
If your child has not brought home a permission form for Community Service Day that requires your signature, please ask them about it. They need to be turned in as soon as possible.

**Calendar Update**
Due to conflicts on Easter weekend, Prom has been moved to April 23 and the Burn's Spring Fling has been moved to April 30.

Congratulations to Mya Winter for earning all-league volleyball honors. Way to go Mya!

Ms. Hittle, Ms. Schmidt, Mrs. Ford and their Advisory classes did a fantastic job of decorating their doors for Red Ribbon Week. Congratulations!! These classes will receive a pizza party courtesy of the Marion County Health Department.

The JH dance scheduled for this evening has been rescheduled for Friday, November 19 at 7 pm.

Raised in Peabody and here to stay, welcome back Mrs. Denae Kyle for her 4th year here at PBMSHS.

I want to first say thank you for everyone's cooperation and help on Friday, when we had to unexpectedly and quickly dismiss school. It was a great example of cooperation between parents and school staff.
In reference to school on Monday, we will be having school. I have talked with Melissa Smith of Oppa, our food service provider, and she assured me that they can safely feed students both breakfast and lunch. If you feel more comfortable, sending your child with their own breakfast and lunch, please do not hesitate to do so. Because we are under a boil water alert, we have shut down all water fountains. We will have plenty of bottled water available for all staff and students. We will also have hand sanitizer available for students to use at any time during the day.
We look forward to Monday being a normal day of school, and once again, thank you for cooperation and assistance in getting kids home safely on Friday. Please do not hesitate to contact the District Office if you have any questions.

Halloween Parties at Peabody-Burns Elementary will be rescheduled to Monday, November 1 at 2:45pm. However, the Halloween Parade will NOT be rescheduled, so please do not send costumes with your students. Thank you.

Junior high basketball practice begins Monday, November 1 at 3:30 pm. Students that have not completed the appropriate paperwork can find required forms here: http://peabodyburns.apptegy.us/o/usd398/browse/88529
Please contact Mr. Schroeder with any questions