On Friday, October 29 at 2:30pm the Peabody-Burns Elementary will be parading in front of the school to show off their Halloween Costumes. We would like to invite all parents, grandparents, community members, friends, etc. to watch our students display their Halloween creativity. We are doing the parade a little different than years past. The parade will be held outside (weather permitting) on the south side of the school. Students will walk the sidewalk as spectators watch, take photos, and comment, "Oh how cute!" If the weather does not cooperate, we will hold the parade indoors as we have in the past. Thank you for your continued support and care for our PBES students. We look forward to seeing you all here!

During the month of October, Kansas held a state-wide initiative, ApplyKansas, in order to encourage high school seniors to apply to a post-secondary institution. A large number of institutions waived their admission's fee in support of this initiative! The purpose of this event is to communicate the importance of applying to college and support students with the college application process. This year, we had a large number of seniors apply to a variety of colleges and technical schools. Please congratulate theses seniors on their accomplishment! #ApplyKS #YouKAN
If you need assistance in completing the FAFSA, please contact Mrs. Hall.

During the month of October, Kansas held a state-wide initiative, ApplyKansas, in order to encourage high school seniors to apply to a post-secondary institution. A large number of institutions waived their admission's fee in support of this initiative! The purpose of this event is to communicate the importance of applying to college and support students with the college application process. This year, we had a large number of seniors apply to a variety of colleges and technical schools. Please congratulate theses seniors on their accomplishment! #ApplyKS #YouKAN
If you need assistance in completing the FAFSA, please contact Mrs. Hall.

During the month of October, Kansas held a state-wide initiative, ApplyKansas, in order to encourage high school seniors to apply to a post-secondary institution. A large number of institutions waived their admission's fee in support of this initiative! The purpose of this event is to communicate the importance of applying to college and support students with the college application process. This year, we had a large number of seniors apply to a variety of colleges and technical schools. Please congratulate theses seniors on their accomplishment! #ApplyKS #YouKAN
If you need assistance in completing the FAFSA, please contact Mrs. Hall.

During the month of October, Kansas held a state-wide initiative, ApplyKansas, in order to encourage high school seniors to apply to a post-secondary institution. A large number of institutions waived their admission's fee in support of this initiative! The purpose of this event is to communicate the importance of applying to college and support students with the college application process. This year, we had a large number of seniors apply to a variety of colleges and technical schools. Please congratulate theses seniors on their accomplishment! #ApplyKS #YouKAN
If you need assistance in completing the FAFSA, please contact Mrs. Hall.

Please help us welcome back, for her 8th year here at USD 398, Mrs. Laura Leitnaker.

Tickets are now on sale for James and the Giant Peach!!
Hope to see you there! And make sure you come early on Saturday the 13th for a soup supper benefiting the senior class. Price for the dinner is by donation.

Thursday's football game at Victoria can be viewed at the following link: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/victoria-high-school-victoria-ks/gamed4159b6ee

Do you need help with raking leaves or any other small projects around the house? On November 16, students and staff at the Jr/Sr High School will be participating in a community service day.
We are looking for more projects in the Peabody and Burns communities. Please contact Mrs. Kyle if we can help you in any way! dkyle@usd398.com

On Thursday, October 28, the Warrior football team travels to Victoria for a 6 pm kickoff against the Knights.
Good luck Warriors as you begin your postseason play!!

Please join us for Senior recognition and a 6-man scrimmage tomorrow night at the football field. The schedule is as follows:
- Gates Open – No admission charged
- Spectators are encouraged to bring Gatorade for our athletes and shoes for the Booster Club fundraiser (Drop off by concessions stand)
- Concessions stand available (Chili/cinnamon roll meal deal, candy, popcorn, drinks)
5:30 PM - Senior Recognition (Football & Cheer)
6:00 PM - 6 man Scrimmage (2, 15 minute quarters)

This week is School Bus Driver Appreciation Week. When you see one of our drivers, please let them know they are appreciated. If you would like to join USD #398 as a driver, please contact the district office.

Nursey Rhyme Walk with Parents as Teachers.

Please welcome our new School Psychologist, Larry McManaman.

Due to Covid numbers at Norwich, KSHSAA has made the decision to cancel the football game tomorrow night (10/22). We are working on options for replace the game. Please watch our website for updates.

Warrior volleyball will face off against Wakefield this Saturday in the first round of Sub State. We play at Centre at 1 pm.
Admission is $6 for adults and $5 for students
Good luck and Go Warriors!

Student-led conferences will be held, in-person at PBMSHS, today, October 19th and Thursday, October 21st from 4pm-8pm. Please follow the link below to sign up for a time to meet with your child(rens) advisory teacher: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050A4AA5AD28A3FF2-fall2 We will have several open times for you to have the opportunity to meet with your childs' other teachers. The following are open times to meet with any teachers: 4:30-4:45pm- Tuesday and Thursday 5:15-5:30pm- Tuesday and Thursday 7:00-7:15pm - Tuesday and Thursday. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Schroeder or Mrs. Hall.

Wish our junior high volleyball team good luck as they travel to Canton today to play in the Wheat State League tournament. Their first game is at 2 pm against Rural Vista. This game can be viewed via the Canton-Galva livestream at https://youtu.be/NTNOUFf4Ub8
Go Warriors!!

Please help us welcome home Mrs. April Wedel as our new School Nurse.

In honor of National High School Activities Week the senior volleyball players offered their jerseys to a teacher that has supported, inspired and encouraged them throughout high school!