Butler County Community College Visit with Seniors! #grizzlies

It's #WhyApply Friday!! Here is a PBMSHS teacher's sharing their WHY to apply to college!

It's #WhyApply Friday!! Here is a PBMSHS teacher's sharing their WHY to apply to college!

It's #WhyApply Friday!! Here are some more PBMSHS teacher's sharing their WHY to apply to college!

It's #WhyApply Friday!! Here are some PBMSHS teacher's sharing their WHY to apply to college!

Tonight junior high volleyball takes on Elyria Christian and Goessel in a tri and junior high football plays Goessel. Volleyball begins at 4 and football kicks off at 6
To make these events a success we need a few more helpers!
We are still looking for a few line judges for volleyball.
Please email tschroeder@usd398.com or call the school if you are interested in helping. Thank you!

Due to Covid related issues at Stafford, our high school football game scheduled for this Friday at Stafford has been rescheduled for Monday, Sept. 20 at Stafford with a 6 pm kick off.
As a result, our JV football game against Solomon on Sept. 20 has been cancelled.

Senior Families: FAFSA Night will be Monday, October 4th at 6:30pm at PBHS with Hesston College Financial Aid Representatives. You will need to following documents in order to complete FAFSA: parent/guardian social security number, student social security number, driver's license number, Federal Tax information or tax returns including IRS W-2 information (parent/guardian's), records of your untaxed income (child support, interest income, etc), information on cash, savings and checking account balances, investments, and/or business assets. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Hall- hvivone@usd398.com

The PBHS Cheer coffee sales start next Monday!!! You'll have your items in time for cooler weather and holiday gift giving.

In addition to tomorrow's high school volleyball dual with Centre, we will also be hosting the Centre junior high volleyball team to make up for the game we lost with them last week. Junior high volleyball will begin at 3:30 (A followed by B match) and HS JV/Varsity will start immediately after. Please join us before the varsity game as we recognize our senior volleyball players!
Junior high football will not be playing tomorrow

In observance of Suicide Prevention Month, the Empowering Youth in Suicide Prevention interagency group encourages Kansans to help prevent suicide. Everyone has a role in this effort, whether you’re a friend, parent, community member or school employee. Suicide prevention tip sheets are available at Kansas Department of Health and Environment: Adolescent Health - Behavioral Health (kdheks.gov).
If you are concerned about yourself or a friend, text Crisis Text Line at 741741 or call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). These services are free, confidential and available 24/7.

September is Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month.

The BOE voted 4-3 to adopt the Stay-Play-Learn and Gating Criteria plans. These will be in effect until October 13, 2021, when they will be looked at again at the next BOE meeting. Both of these plans can be found on the USD #398 website. Please take a moment to review these plans and discuss with your student(s) the details and your preference on the wearing of a mask during the school day.

There will be a Special BOE meeting to review the Stay-Play-Learn Plan and Gating Criteria on Sunday, Sept. 12th at 5:00 pm at Central Office. For a motion to pass or fail at a BOE meeting, there needs to be 4 votes to count a majority. When the BOE voted on the Stay-Play-Learn plan and Gating Criteria the vote was 3-2. The BOE has called a special meeting to revote on the 2 items and make the vote official. The agenda is posted on the school website.

Monday's High School JV football game against Canton-Galva has been cancelled

Tomorrow night is Little Cheer Night!!!! The Junior class will be providing a walking taco meal deal, which includes a cookie and drink for $6.00. Come cheer on our Warriors and little cheerleaders!!!

September is Suicide Prevention Month. Everyone has a role in this effort, whether you’re a friend, parent, community member or school employee. Attached are prevention tips from KSDE. If you are concerned about yourself or a friend, text Crisis Text Line at 741741 or call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). These services are free, confidential and available 24/7.

Reminder - Tonight's junior high games will be at Herington. Volleyball starts at 4:30 and football begins at 6:00. Go Warriors!

September is Suicide Awareness Month.

Please read the following information about the upcoming School Board Meeting on Sept. 8th.
The regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting for Sept. 8th, will be held in the High School library beginning at 6:15 pm. There has been a great deal of public interest in this meeting, below is the policy the BOE will follow for the meeting.
Public Forum – This time is set aside by the BOE to listen to patron comments and concerns. Comments and concerns may not include any identifiable individual and be limited to three (3) minutes. Patrons with the same special interest are asked to appoint a spoke person to express their comments and concerns.