Next Thursday we will travel to Herington (not Centre) for Junior High volleyball and football.
4:30 - A match followed by B match
6:00 - 6 man football

Our High School volleyball schedule for next Tuesday has changed. Instead of a modified quad we will have a tri with Solomon and Wakefield. JV plays at 4:00 pm and varsity will begin at 6:00 pm.

Due to forecasted weather, tonight’s high school football game at Little River has been moved up to a 6 pm start. Football athletes will be dismissed at 3:00 pm and depart from the school at 3:15 pm. Volleyball players will still have practice and cheerleaders will depart for the game at 4:50 pm. Students that have previously signed up to ride the pep bus with Ms. Root must be at the High School no later than 4:50 pm to leave for the game.
Please contact coaches or Mr. Schroeder at the high school with questions.

Show your Warrior Pride and support PBHS Student Council by purchasing a Homecoming shirt! Shirts will be for sale until Sept. 15th, and will be delivered by Homecoming week. Please contact Ms. Lingenfelter with any questions.

Picture Day is to tomorrow at the JH/HS. Don't forget to smile!

Parents & Community members - This is a friendly reminder that we will meet tonight in the Brown gym at 6 pm to discuss the possibility of playing 6 man football next season. Please join us and bring any questions you may have!

The PBHS Cheerleaders are attending a KSHSAA Spirit Clinic today in Salina with nearly 30 other schools and will be bringing back lots of new material. Go, Blue!!!

Results of today's invitational volleyball tournament. Our girls played hard, but fell in the 5th place game. Congratulations to Burrton on winning the championship!

Lady Warriors make a comeback to take down Classical School of Wichita!

Picture day at the JH/HS is next Friday! Please visit the link to order your photos now. Have a great Friday!

Warrior Nation! Are you interested in viewing a live stream of games and activities that take place throughout the year? If so, we need your help!
For us to utilize mobile streaming offered through YouTube, we must have over 1,000 subscribers. Please take a moment and visit the following link. Simply click ‘Subscribe’ and we’ll be on our way to streaming events. Thank you and please share with your friends and family!
https://bit.ly/3DhGCGN or search for the “Peabody-Burns Sports & Activities” channel on YouTube

Please click on the link to watch a video produced by SAPC of Marion County.

Parents and Student-Athletes – Our generous Booster Club is planning to provide meals for all away games for junior high and high school football and volleyball. Please pass on thanks and appreciation to Mrs. Leppke and others that are helping out!

Parents & Students - Due to the forecasted temperatures for tomorrow, Junior High football will practice at 6 am and High School football will practice at 6 pm tomorrow. Please contact Coach Brazell and Coach Tegtmeier with questions.

Friday night lights are almost here!! On Friday, August 27 our high school football team travels to Solomon High School for a football Jamboree. We play Wichita County at 6:30 pm, Canton-Galva at 7:00 pm, and Solomon at 8:00 pm. Admission is one Gatorade per person and will be returned to us after the contest.

Congratulations to Logan Webster on his acceptance to and scholarship offer from The American Musical and Dramatic Academy College and Conservatory of the Performing Arts! We are so proud of you, Logan!

Last call!!! Little Cheer forms are due this Friday!!!!

Please welcome Mr. Perry to Peabody-Burns! He joins Mr. Dickinson in our science department

The MS and HS Horticulture classes spent time harvesting apples from the school orchard today!!

Parents & community members -
Please mark August 31 at 6 pm on your calendars. We will gather in the Brown gym to discuss the possibility of playing 6-man football for the next two years. You're welcome to contact Mr. Schroeder with any questions. tschroeder@usd398.com.