Peabody-Burns USD 398 is accepting applications for a full time nurse for the 2021-22 school year. Applications available at the district office 620-983-2198 or stop by at 506 N Elm St. Application deadline is August 30, 2021.

Please help us in welcoming Mr. Brett McGee, our new Ag teacher and FFA sponsor!

Join Parents as Teachers for Big Truck Night. Information is below.

Please welcome Mr. Wyatt Dickinson to our staff and community!

Picture Day for the Junior High School and High School students is Friday, September 3rd. Please see the flyer below for information.

Coach Winter and Coach Tegtmeier surprised our high school athletes by switching practice plans today! High school girls practiced on the practice field and the high school boys practiced in the gym. Based on what I saw, we may have new competition for back up quarterback!

This is a reminder that little cheer forms are due to the elementary office by next Friday. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Kyle at the high school.

In order to give parents more time to get photo button forms turned in, button pictures will now be taken next Tuesday after school. Forms and money will be due at that time.

What a fantastic first day we had at the Jr/Sr High school! Students were welcomed by StuCo with food and music, Mr. Schroeder led a back to school assembly (with only minor shenanigans from students), and the rest of the day was filled with learning and laughter. Students have many ideas for improving school spirit and with their energy and enthusiasm, there's no doubt it will be a great year! Go Warriors!!

Photo button forms are due THIS WEEK!!! Athletes have the forms. Extras are in the office. Photos will be taken this Thursday before practices.

Exciting news about homecoming!

Have you ever wondered about Vaping and the information about vaping? If so, please watch the attached video. It contains a great deal of good information about the harmful effects of vaping.

Due to cooler weather and the possibility of rain and storms later this evening, the back to school blast has been cancelled. We look forward to meeting everyone and kicking off the school year this coming Tuesday, August 17. Open houses for PreK-5 is from 6-7 pm and 7-8 pm for the Jr/Sr high school.

Our new FFA sponsor, Mr. McGee, and his FFA team have been hard at work planning the fishing tournament and fish fry. Mark August 21st on your calendars for this new and exciting event!

The new school year is upon us! Ready or not, here we come! The USD 398 Peabody-Burns Elementary & Jr/Sr High staff will begin this years journey of preparing for an amazing 2021-22 school year August 13! We begin with time to meet and greet one another and enjoy a nice breakfast at the Peabody-Burns Elementary School Multipurpose Room at 8:30. See you all there!

Parents & student-athletes - Please join us this evening for the fall sports meetings. We will begin at 6 pm in the brown gymnasium and then breakout into team meetings. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

The PBMS/HS Jumpstart students went to Strataca this morning. They had a blast!

Click on the link below to watch an news cast about one of Peabody's own.

We're ready to enroll your student for the upcoming school year!
District wide enrollment is happening at the Jr/Sr High School - now until 8 pm

Join us tomorrow or Thursday for district enrollment at the Jr/Sr high school.
Wednesday: 8 am-Noon/1-5 pm/6-8 pm, Thursday: Noon-4 pm / 5-8 pm